Multi-Stake Holder; Collaborative Approach is the Way Forward
Participants to the Sub-regional seminar on Bridging Implementation Gaps in the International Labour Standards and Decent Work Agenda held on 30-31 July 2014, in Mumbai, India discussed the ways and means to get stake holders firm commitment to comply with the international standards and best practices in South Asia.
ILO core conventions have been ratified by many countries in South Asia; yet the rate of compliance are very low resulting in poor working conditions leading to health hazards and disasters such as Rana Plaza fiasco in Bangladesh. In order to realize the benefits enshrined in the ILO conventions and other internationally accepted United Nations human and business rights; a collaborative approach amongst the stake holders is the key; opined by senior trade union leaders, professional managers and Engineers who were participants at the seminar.
Christopher Ng UNI Apro Regional Secretary delivered the key note address; and presented a background paper on “Retooling Trade Unions to Meet the Challenges of Change” at the seminar. Chris said that trade union movement need to renew and transform in to a social movement challenging the disbelief of relevance of trade unions in the new economy. Getting universal acceptance and observance of basic worker’s rights as stipulated in ILO conventions by trade unions is the key to make the global economic order with a soul and a human face; was his message to the participants.
Ariel B Castro Specialist on Workers Activities in ILO New Delhi introduced the Decent Work Country Program for India. He emphasized the need to increase awareness about core labor standards amongst trade union leaders. Dr Rajen Mehrotra President of the Industrial Relations Institute of India explained the assurance and compliance system reported under the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) touching on the 14 labour indicators under GRI. Dr Pravin Sinha Senior Project Advisor of FES highlighted on the shortcomings in the Indian judicial systems in addressing the labour concerns. M V Murali General Secretary of National Confederation of Bank Employees (NCBE) India shared experiences at micro level in meeting the required labour standards in India at the Expert panel discussion which was moderated by Jayasri Priyalal UNI Apro Director for Finance, Professional & Managers sector activities.
Dr S T Sawant of Tata Institute of Social Sciences and Dr Aruna Deshpande from Alkesh Modi Institute shared experiences at the seminar. Engr. Dinesh Panthy Deputy General Secretary of Nepal Engineers Association (NEA) welcomed the UNI Apro’s initiative to engage Professionals and Engineers to increase their awareness about International standards and assured continuous support to build a close relationship between NEA and UNI Apro and expressed keenness to network with other Engineers Associations in SAARC countries.
UNI Apro implemented the seminar with the solidarity support of FES.
Please refer to the related files for all presentations made at the seminar.