Over the last few days, UNI Apro have received messages of solidarity from UNI Family to our colleagues and affiliates in Japan. We appreciate your caring and sharing act towards our resilient Japanese colleagues and affiliates. These messages are shared here to keep our Japanese brothers and sisters accompanied in spirit to overcome the challenges.
Below is a list of message senders (continue to be updated). If you have sent the message of solidarity but cannot find your name/ organization in the list, please help update UNI Apro Secretariat at Also if you would like to send messages of solidarity to our Japanese affiliates, you can find the contact list attached for your reference. Please kindly cc to UNI Apro Regional Secretary at should you wish to be kept in our record.
Joe De Bryun, President, UNI Global Union
Philip J. Jennings, General Secretary, UNI Global Union
Christopher NG, Regional Secretary, UNI Apro
Johannes Studinger, Head of UNI MEI
SUHADA, President Commerce Sectore, Aspek Indonesia
Muhamad Hakim, President and Muhamad Rusdi, General Secretary, ASPEK, Indonesia
Hoang Huy Loat, President, Viet nam National Union of Post and telecom Workers, Viet Nam
Chandrasekaran Rajamanikam, General Secretary, National Union of Newspaper Workers Malaysia
Jacqueline Park, Director, Asia-Pacific Regional Office, International Federation of Journalists (IFJ)
J Solomon, General Secretary, National Union of Bank Employees, Malaysia || President, ASEAN Bank Union Council
Kim, Moon-ho, President of Korean Financial Industry Union
Jung Yong-Geon, Chairman, UNI-KLC
Milind Nadkarni, President, UNI-ILC
Bro. Jun Umali, Secretary General, UNI-PLC
Willie Tan, Secretary, UNI-SLC
Somboon Subsarn, Director of UNIDOC Thailand
Mohamed Shafie Bp Mammal, President of UNI MLC || General Secretary of ASEAN Services Employees Trade Union Council (ASETUC)
Muhammad Rana, Secretary General, Pak Telecom Employees Union (CBA)
Deepa Nir
Lekha Prasad Burlakoti, President- UNI Nepal Liaison Council
Iftikhar Shaikh, GS UNI PALC
Dipa Bharadwaj, General Secretary, UNICOME , Nepal
Faridah Abdullah, Secretary, Telekom Sales And Services Sdn. Bhd.
Thomas Koczelnik, Chairperson, Corporate Works Council, Deutsche Post AG
Frank Bsirske, Chairman, Vereinte Dienstleistungs-gewerkschaft Bundesverwaltung
Ken Lewenza, National President, CAW Canada
From: Hassan Muhammad Rana, Secretary General, Pak Telecom Employees Union (CBA)
To: UNI LC Japan and all UNI Affiliates in Japan
Date: March 20, 2011
Subject: Message to the President of UNI LC Japan, K. Ochiai
It is my desire to extend full support, to UNI & other friends of Tokyo at this very crucial time. I will do my best try to extend possible help and remain in contact with you.
Warm Regards.
From: Lekha Prasad Burlakoti, President- UNI Nepal Liaison Council
To: Kiyoshi Ochiai, President,UNI LC Japan and all UNI Affiliates in Japan
Date: Wed, Mar 16, 2011 at 2:12 PM
Subject: solidarity massage
Dear Brother Ochiai,
We are very heavily shocked and seriously saddened by the disastrous impact on your members and their families due to the devastating earthquake and tsunami on 11 March 2011 that hit Japan.
I on my personal and on behalf of UNI Nepal Liaison Council and its affiliates, wish to express our deepest condolences and sympathies to the people of Japan, pray for the safety and welfare of all your officials and members and all their families and friends.
Yours sincerely.
From: Iftikhar Shaikh, GS UNI PALC
To: UNI LC Japan and all UNI Affiliates in Japan
Subject: Earthquake in Japan
Date: Fri, 18 Mar 2011
We are deeply sad over the history’s worst earthquake and the most devastating Tsunami that has hit Japan on March 11, causing great loss to private and public properties and to human lives. The after shacks of frightful magnitude resulting in radiation leaks from nuclear reactors in the country and posing serious danger to life and health of people of Japan.
We in Pakistan remember the generous help we received from Japan when hit by earthquake and floods in Pakistan. We are ready for any assistance and cooperation for members of UNI-JLC in particulars and people of Japan in General.
We wish the people of Japan to come out of this natural calamity as soon as possible.
Thanking you and best regards.
From: Dipa Bharadwaj, General Secretary, UNICOME , Nepal
Date: March 21, 2011
To: UNI LC Japan and all UNI Affiliates in Japan
Subject: solidarity message from UNICOME nepal
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Dear brother and sisters
We are really sorry to hear about the devastating earthquake and the Tsunami which took thousands of lives of the Japanese friends. We are deeply disturbed and shocked to hear the damage. Brother Philip Jennings has informed us about the damage caused and the situation our Japanese friends are going under. We also appreciate how the unions are initiating the rescue operations, really the unions in Japan gives the example of the union social responsibility. In this hard and difficult situation we stand with you all. We are with all our Japanese brothers and sisters in every way possible.
We still have the clear memory of the wonderful congress we have had in Nagasaki. And the congress was success because only of the Japanese brothers and sisters. The hard work, dedication, commitment that you all had gathered had ensured the success of the congress. We salute you all for your work, hospitality, your warm and cheerful smiles and everything during our stay in Japan.
There is no doubt that that the International Community will cooperate and collaborate in sending the needy help to the Japan people. But we also know that you all are so strong that you will come out of this disastrous moment. Your commitment, courage, unity is the example for the entire world. Under tragedies of such huge magnitude like this that we are facing (the Japanese people and the entire humanity), the human spirit of SOLIDARITY and COMPASSION flourish in great desire of hugging and bring comfort and relief to the suffering people.
We would like to say to the Japanese brothers and sisters that in this stage we are with your sorrows and pain, we are with you all in all the troubles you are facing. We pray to almighty from bottom of our heart to give you courage to come out of this situation.
We, all the members of the union of commerce employees of Nepal (UNICOME) and all the Nepalese are with you all Japanese brothers and sisters.
We wish, the situation and life of Japan be normal and safe soon. Our solidarity is always with you all Japanese Sisters and Brothers.
With our best feelings of Love, Compassion and Solidarity with the Japanese people
Yours in solidarity.
From: FARIDAH ABDULLAH, Secretary, Telekom Sales And Services Sdn. Bhd.
Employees Union (UNITESS)
To: UNI LC Japan and all UNI Affiliates in Japan
Date: 22nd March 2011
Subject: Solidarity support from Telekom sales and services sdn. Bhd. Employees union (UNITESS)
Dear Colleague,
On behalf the Executive Committee members and families of Telekom Sales and Services Sdn. Bhd. Employees Union (UNITESS), their families and all Malaysians, I would like to express our great sorrow and deepest sympathies to all our UNI Global Union families in Japan and also to people of the Japan who are undergoing the greatest challenge in their lives caused by the earthquake and tsunami.
We were all shocked and worried as we witnessed the severity of the conditions in Japan in the various Media and News.
We join the millions of Global Communities to express our solidarity support and wish the people of Japan a quick recovery from this disaster.
We pray that the people of Japan will come out of this difficult and challenging times.
With Prayers, Solidarity and Love.
From: Thomas Koczelnik, Chairperson, Corporate Works Council, Deutsche Post AG
To: UNI LC Japan and all UNI Affiliates in Japan
Date: Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Subject: Solidarity
To all our co-workers, brothers and sisters in Japan,
It is with shock and great sadness that we learned of the disasters you are facing following the massive earthquake, tsunami and damage to the nuclear power plant in Fukushima.
We are with you and cannot find adequate words to express our emotions.
The Corporate Works Council Deutsche Post DHL sends you its deepest sympathy and solidarity. Please see attached our formal letter of solidarity.
Yours in solidarity.
From: Frank Bsirske, Chairman, Vereinte Dienstleistungs-gewerkschaft Bundesverwaltung
To: UNI LC Japan and all UNI Affiliates in Japan
Date: Thu, 17 March 2011
Subject: Message of Solidarity to our Japanese Colleagues
Dear brothers and sisters,
It was with much sadness that we learnt of the tragic and terrible developments caused by the earthquake, the subsequent tsunami and the nuclear aftermath. I would like to express my sincere condolences and sympathy to all our colleagues. From various activities and conferences in Japan and other countries we have come to appreciate you as very kind and friendly colleagues.
ver.di and its 2.1 million members stand shoulder to shoulder with you and share your sadness in these tragic and difficult times. Our thoughts are with you.
With deepest sympathy.
From: Ken Lewenza, National President, CAW Canada
To: Philip Jennings, General Secretary – UNI; UNI Affiliates in Japan, UNI LC Japan
Date: March 15, 2011
Subject: Letter of Support from Ken Lewenza National President CAW-Canada
Dear sisters and brothers in the Japanese trade union movement,
I am writing on behalf of the 200,000 members of the Canadian Auto Workers union to express our deepest condolences on the terrible loss and devastation caused by the earthquake and subsequent tsunami.
Here in Canada, we watched in horror, as many did around the world, as the ocean swept violently into coastal towns in the Tohoku and Kanto regions and emergency crews tried to rescue as many as they could to safety. Our hearts particularly go out to the citizens living in the Iwate, Miyagi and Fukushima prefectures, tens of thousands of whom have lost their loved ones, homes and livelihoods. We understand that this loss is immeasurable.
Even those in Japan who have not been directly impacted will feel the incredible sense of loss and dread at this calamity which has taken place. It is impossible not to be touched by the immensity of this tragedy. We mourn what has happened to you, your families, your neighbours and the entire country of Japan. Many of our union members have roots in your country and your loss is felt especially deeply by them.
Please know that our thoughts are with you, your families, co-workers and government as you work to rebuild your homes and your communities. We want to assure you that your sisters and brothers in Canada support your efforts to re-build your community and the lives of those impacted by this tragedy.
In Solidarity.
From: George Liang, CPWU
To: Philip Jennings, General Secretary – UNI; Christopher Ng, Regional Secretary – UNI Apro and Japan Postal Workers Union (JPGU)
Date: Friday, March 18, 2011
Subject: CPWU donated NT$1,000,000 to JPGU
I would like to inform you that CPWU President Chiang sent a sympathy letter to JPGU President Takeuchi this Monday (March 14, 2011). Also, CPWU transferred NT$1,000,000 (JPY2,736,727) to JPGU via UNI-Apro Tokyo Office. We remembered with gratitude the kind donation given to us by the Japan Postal Workers Union (Zentei & Zenyusei) soon after the 921 earthquake that occurred in Taiwan ten years ago. CPWU would like to reciprocate by making a donation to JPGU this time. That is international Solidarity.
Best regards.
" To All Our Japanese Friends"
Our hearts & minds are with you at this moment of grief,
We wish and pray for success in all relief and recovery efforts to ease human sufferings;
We commit to support you in everyway possible.
TUCC Students - Galle, Sri Lanka