Letter from UNI-Europa Regional Secretary

1st January 2009
A happy new year to all of you!
We are currently confronting a difficult and probably long crisis. Many men and women will suffer badly. We must do everything we can to help them.
But there is no reason for despair. This crisis shows that we are right, and it is justified to claim it loudly: a liberal economy, based on profit and financial game-play leads our societies to unemployment and poverty, because a few have bet that the market could solve everything and because of their greed.
It is the right moment for us, wherever we are, to say that we want a green economy geared towards employment, social protection, education, public services...a green New Deal!
We must take this crisis by the lapels, turn it to our advantage and put forward a bold vision of the kind of society we want. The crisis is so deep that we will be listened to.
No one today, and no serious politician, can say « No » to this demand. We must make the most of this period to force decision makers, at all levels, to take the necessary action. We must propose measures and control the way they are implemented. The next six months will be vital.
UNI-Europa, the ETUC, UNI are a force still largely untapped, but potentially powerful enough to reach our goal. Everyday I get more and more certain about it.
I am also convinced that the European Parliament, and more generally, European institutions have the capacity to take such action.
At the beginning of June 2009 a new Parliament will be elected for the European union. Seventy per cent of national laws are influenced by European regulations. The Parliament has now sufficient powers to give a direction to policy. We were recently the beneficiaries with positive votes on temporary work, European works councils and working time.
This new Parliament must and can be with us and support our views for a change of direction. UNI-Europa will ask each candidate to be clear about their European programme to support employment and regulate markets.
Each and everyone of us has a role to play during this critical period. We will play it fully, with you.
A happy new year to you and to all those who are dear to you.
Bernadette Ségol
Regional secretary.