Trade unions and employers of the insurance sector from Austria, Belgium, France, the Czech Republic, Germany, Hungary, Malta, Norway, Portugal, Slovakia, Spain, Sweden and the Netherlands as well as their European federations met in Bratislava on 17 September 2015 to discuss innovative measures to tackle the demographic challenge.
Presentations of Slovak social partners about social dialogue in the Slovak insurance sector gave a good entrance to get into the specific situation of Central and Eastern European systems of social dialogue and social partner cooperation in the insurance sector. A representative of the European Commission congratulated the social partners on the choice of this important topic and emphasised the importance of social dialogue especially in the Central and Eastern European countries. The meeting took place in the frame of the European project “The demographic challenge revisited: Innovative measures in the European insurance sector. Following up and updating successful social partner initiatives with a special focus on Central and Eastern Europe”, with financial support of the European Commission.
One of the project’s goals is to bring together good practice across the sector. Examples from Slovakia (Allianz) and the Czech Republic illustrated social partner efforts to support employees in a changing working environment. In the afternoon, a lively “world café” session on the demographic challenge and its specific aspects allowed participants to brainstorm for future solutions in small and interactive groups. Within the broad frame of “demographic challenge”, the project focuses more specifically on work/life balance; qualifications and lifelong learning; health and safety at work; telework and working longer. With the support of the consultancy ICF, an electronic booklet will compile the best practice identified. It will be presented at a conference foreseen to take place in Bucharest in May 2016.