Global Agreement between BNP Paribas and UNI Global Union advances labour rights, gender equality for the company’s 200,000 workers worldwide

BNP Paribas and UNI Global Union have signed a Global Agreement today that promises paid parental leave, health and life insurance, the ability to join a labour union without fear, stringent anti-harassment enforcement, and other key rights for the bank’s 200,000 employees in 73 countries.
UNI Global Union General Secretary Christy Hoffman said, “We applaud the concrete steps that BNP Paribas is taking to deepen its commitment to workers’ rights and social responsibility. In the financial sector, it is particularly important for workers to have freedom of association and to raise the alarm on unethical practices, and this agreement is a model we hope other banks will follow.
“We look forward to a productive partnership with BNP Paribas.”
The Global Agreement is the first in the financial sector with paid parental leave provisions (14 weeks for mothers and six days for fathers) and the first with guaranteed health, life, and disability insurance.
It also outlines a strategy to advance gender equality at the bank including policies on recruiting, training, and promoting.
“The agreement will improve the jobs and the lives of tens-of-thousands of BNP Paribas employees, and more than that, it sets a new standard for the industry,” said UNI Finance President Rita Berlofa. “The breakthroughs made in this deal—from gender equality to union rights—will reverberate across the banking sector.”
Yves Martrenchar, Head of Human Resources, Member of the Executive Committee of BNP Paribas, a signatory to the agreement, said, "This comprehensive and ambitious agreement confirms BNP Paribas’ international social commitment and its ambition to be an ever more responsible employer with regards to its employees. It will contribute to improving the quality of life and working conditions within BNP Paribas, while being a source of performance for the Group as a whole."
Antoine Sire, Head of Corporate Engagement and member of the Group Executive Committee, added, “This agreement will enable many employees to contribute – as part of their work - to the efforts of associations for a more inclusive and sustainable world. It is a decisive contribution to BNP Paribas' commitment to society.”
Global Agreements are negotiated between global unions and multinational companies. They protect the interests of workers across the operations of multinational companies, setting standards for trade union rights.
The agreement was made possible by the foundation laid by UNI Finance’s European members and through the strong tradition of social dialogue at the bank. The bank has previously reached three European agreements, which form part of the its European social charter, covering the essential topics of employment, gender equality and stress prevention.
UNI signed another Global Agreement with the French gaming giant PARTOUCHE earlier in the week.
UNI Global Union, based in Nyon, Switzerland, represents more than 20 million workers from over 150 different countries in the fastest growing sectors in the world – skills and services. It has more than 50 Global Agreements across its 12 sectors. UNI Finance represents 3 million banking and insurance workers worldwide.
BNP Paribas is the largest French banking group and the largest bank in the Eurozone. It is one of the ten largest banks worldwide.