Declaration of UNI affiliates on major sporting events

The declaration states "UNI Global Union Brazil affiliate unions hereby declare that our efforts for the achievement of decent work for workers in our sectors, are also related to major sporting events held in the country. In particular, we refer to the World Cup 2014 and the 2016 Olympics.
The international trade union movement has developed various actions aimed at such events, and has already won significant advances in its constant search for better working and living conditions. Regarding the major sporting events that will take place in Brazil in the coming years, we are aware that there will be many difficulties for workers. However, it will also be a time for opportunities.
Given international experience, it is likely that workers from different sectors will be in vulnerable situations during the games. We highlight the cleaning, private security and commerce sectors, that in addition to already experiencing situations of social invisibility and everyday poor working conditions, they may suffer the impositions of the games’ organisation. These constraints may be caused by excessive working hours, hiring outsourced or informal workers, and work inspection difficulties as occurred in the Confederations Cup - test event of the 2014 World Cup. We cannot fail to mention a sector of great relevance to society, often exploited with temporary contracts, precarious contracts, and with no labour protection. The broadcasters are disrespected in their daily and labour rights; in addition, professionals who come from other countries to broadcast the events are hired by companies without any protection and guarantees of their rights.
In general terms, the unions affirm the importance of significantly raising the level of Decent Work in Brazil, a term that follows the definition of the International Labour Organization (ILO). Having said this, UNI affiliate unions propose, first, to carry out a national and international awareness program on the problems faced by the workers. Second, develop political strategies not only to prevent that workers’ rights are reduced, but on the contrary, in awareness of the differences between capital and labour, broaden their rights.
The eyes of the world are looking at the organisation of major sporting events. If in recent years Brazil has become a reference in the fight against social inequality, we believe it should also be a reference in the fight against exploitation of human labour”. End of declaration.