Cross-border parcel delivery services in a connected Europe

On 28 February the UNI Europa Post & Logistics Committee adopted its policy position on the Commission’s proposal for a Regulation on cross-border parcel delivery services which can be viewed here.
On 1st March 2017, UNI Europa Post & Logistics will promote its adopted policy position to postal and logistics stakeholders during a parliamentary event hosted by the rapporteurs of TRAN and IMCO committees Lucy Anderson MEP and Biljana Borzan MEP.
UNI Europa Post & Logistics generally supports the Commission’s efforts to encourage affordable, high-quality cross-border parcel delivery services. In a context of a liberalised postal market and important declines of letter mail volumes, it is hoped that the growing demand for parcel services can be used to lead to an increase in quality employment in European delivery markets and contribute to the commercial success of responsible employers in the sector.
European post and logistics workers want to provide a quality service of high-value to their customers and to the general public, whilst working in an environment which respects their dignity and rights to decent social and employment standards.
In this Regulation context, the Commission identified key hurdles in completing the single market in cross-border parcel delivery services: high prices, inefficiencies in the market, lack of transparency, excessive cost of small shipments, and lack of inter-operability between operators. While UNI Europa Post & Logistics supports efforts to create a single digital market adapted to the needs of e-retailers and customers, the foreseen changes cannot come at the expense of social, employment and environmental standards.
Postal liberalisation and the ensuing diversification in postal operators’ service provision have had significant and negative consequences for employment and working conditions of those in the sector. The parcel segment is expected to be a leader for growth in the broader sector. It is important that the envisaged regulation does not contribute to continued decline in social and employment conditions.
Despite calls for fair working conditions in the larger Post & Logistics sector, the Commission has not acted to create a level-playing field. It fails to address market fragmentation between the Universal service providers and competitors. UNI Europa Post & Logistics will be advocating in favour of a level-playing field establishment and look towards highlighting the negative consequences of postal liberalisation on employment and working conditions on one hand as well as including a social dimension in the regulatory endeavours of the European Commission so as to avoid a perilous race-to-the-bottom in relation to working terms and conditions.
The proposal for a Regulation is following the ordinary legislative procedure. For more information on the process or the policy position, please contact UNI Europa P&L Policy Officer Dimitris Theodorakis at: