CND exchanges views with UNI Apro
On 23 May 2013, the CND overseas study delegation headed by Bro. Morita, General Secretary, consisting of 13 members visited UNI Asia & Pacific Regional Office (UNI Apro) in Singapore and exchanged views with the Regional Secretary, Christopher Ng.
The history of UNI's relationship with CND started with Aichi Toyota Dealer Union’s affiliation to the then ASIA-FIET which paved the way to the affiliation by JAW, one of our largest Commerce unions.
Commenting on increasingly globalized companies, Christopher underscored that the trade unions’ global solidarity and cooperation is now more indispensable than ever. “It is more and more important to unite and coordinate employees working in the world in top brands such as Toyota.” Christopher recognized the contributions from CND as well as JAW under the leadership of President Aihara to the global union movement.
As in many Asian countries, a partnership labor-management relationship based on mutual trust is still a fresh concept as trade unions often go on strike or have prolonged conflicts. UNI Apro has been putting in a great deal of effort to change the negative image of trade unions and anti-union attitudes held by employers and governments, while encouraging trade unions not only to be capable enough to represent workers and demand their rights but also to cooperate with the companies to contribute to the growth. In this regard, the Japanese trade union movement is a model in Asia & Pacific region. Christopher expresses his expectation for Japanese affiliates to assist developing unions in promoting the social dialogue and partnership labor-management relations.
Responding to questions by members on how UNI Apro is taking up challenges to organize smaller number of employees in each scattering workplace and increasing women workers in the service sector, Christopher stressed “Trade unions must be pragmatic and innovative to adapt to the changes”. He also pointed it out as a reflection that the influence and presence of Global Unions including UNI has been recognized, citing the recent report issued by the international law firms providing legal advice to multinational corporations and private equities warn them not to ignore the rise of powerful Global Unions.