In Brazil, the unions have now entered the collective bargaining negotiations with the banks including the Bank of Brazil.
As a follow up from the protest that was organized on Wall Street by UNI Finance, its affiliated unions, CWA and the Committee for Better Banks (http://www.uniglobalunion.org/sectors/finance/global-finance-workers-all...) , Contraf-CUT has submitted a specific clause to the Bank, which deals with the employees rights abroad.
Contraf-CUT and UNI are publishing below an extract of the collective agreement draft which was presented to the company:
The representation of workers who are employed by Bank of Brazil overseas will be an integral part of the process of ongoing negotiations between Bank of Brazil and CONTRAF CUT. The globalization of the operations of Bank of Brazil and the signature of a Global Framework Agreement require a centralized negotiation process which should cover all the workers of the company around the world.
Paragraph 1: Workers in the Bank's units abroad will be entitled to the Profit and Results - PLR from 1st January 2014.
Paragraph 2: The bank will sign the Statement of neutrality and respect the creation of unions and representation of workers in the United States of America, taking into account local legislations and the provisions which are in the Global Framework Agreement.
Paragraph 3: The Bank shall ensure equality of treatment to their workers in the United States of America in relation to:
a) Policy wage increases;
b) Floors and similar functions have the same values regardless of the location of the work unit in the country;
c) training opportunities;
d) allowances for holidays and absences."
Mario Raia
Secretário de Relações Internacionais