April 24th Day of Action to demand Walmart PAY UP!

UNI Global Union joins IndustriALL, Clean Clothes Campaign, International Labor Rights Forum, United Students Against Sweatshops, unions and consumers around the world in a day of action on Thursday, April 24, 2014, to stand in solidarity with garment workers in Bangladesh.
One year after the Rana Plaza building collapse killed at least 1,138 people and injured more than 2,500 in the worst garment industry catastrophe in history, unions and concerned citizens around the world will demand that Walmart pays full and fair compensation to the victims of the Rana Plaza collapse. We will also call on Walmart to pay compensation to the victims of the Tazreen factory fire, which took place on November 24, 2012, and where Walmart was the largest customer. The fire killed 112 workers and was the deadliest fire in the Bangladesh garment industry. It’s time for Walmart to take responsibility and to pay their fair share of compensation to the survivors and families who lost loved-ones.
We ask that you take action on April 24 in your own country. Demonstrations will take place at Walmart stores and offices around the world. For more information, visit www.UNIBangladeshAccord.org and www.WalmartDeathtraps.com.
Contact trina.tocco@UNIGlobalUnion.org if you would like assistance in planning an action.
Ways you can participate:
Post on Facebook, Twitter and other social media
- Post a photo of yourself holding a sign calling on Walmart to Pay Up. It could say "I stand with Bangladeshi workers. Walmart, #PayUp to workers in Bangladesh".
- Hang a sign in support of Bangladeshi workers on your union bulletin board (sample poster coming soon) or union office door. Take a picture of the sign & post the picture to www.facebook.com/Uniglobalunionallianceatwalmart.
- Use #payup when posting to Twitter or Instagram. Pictures can be posted to www.facebook.com/Uniglobalunionallianceatwalmart.
- Follow us on Twitter: #walmartdeathtraps #ranaplaza #payup @UNIGlobalUnion @IndustriALL_GU.
Organize or join a demonstration at a store or office near you. Action ideas:
- Leaflet in front of the store and letter delivery to store manager. Visit www.WalmartDeathtraps.com for sample flyer and letter.
- Visit www.facebook.com/events/213881798811040 for action dates and locations listings.
Background / Resources:
- UNI Bangladesh Safety Accord website: www.UNIBangladeshAccord.org
- Information about the Rana Plaza Donors Trust Fund: ranaplaza-arrangement.org
- Frequently Asked Questions on Walmart & Rana Plaza: walmartdeathtraps.com/faq/
- Flyers, social media guide, actions materials: walmartdeathtraps.com/action/