americas info n° 67, March 2009

10th UNI americas Regional Executive Committee Meeting
In a climate of great concern for the global crisis and the role of the trade union movement, the 10th Meeting of the UNI americas Regional Executive Committee was held in Sao Paulo, Brazil, last March 18 and 19. The Brazilian trade union centers—represented by Ricardo Patah, President of the General Workers’ Union (UGT); Artur Henrique da Silva, President of CUT Brazil; and Ademir Lauriberto Ferreira, from Força Sindical—agreed on the need to act jointly in response to the crisis. The Ministry of Labor of Brazil was also represented at the meeting by João Kenedy de Ornelas. “We are facing a global crisis from which no country will escape. Global crises require global answers,” said UNI General Secretary Philip Jennings. “We are witnessing the end of a period and trade unions must lead the construction of the world that will rise from the collapse. Everything we said against this model of uncontrolled accumulation has proven to be right,” noted Philip. Rubén Cortina, President of UNI americas, said that this is when the trade union movement must gain visibility and make its voice clearly heard. Rodolfo Benítez referred to UNI’s campaign in Colombia. “We want the trade union movement to realize our wish of having a Colombia free from fear.” He recalled the murder of Leonidas Gómez Rozo a year earlier. “In Guatemala our brothers and sisters are threatened and murdered, and this is unacceptable,” stated Rodolfo, expressing his concern for the threats received by Reynaldo González from the Federation of Banking and Services Employees - FESEBS.
Chilean Journalists Protest Layoffs
Under the slogan “No more layoffs!” Chilean journalists and trade union leaders gathered last weekend to protest the spate of dismissals and disputes. They also expressed their rejection for the concentration of mass media ownership. The protest was supported by students and teachers. The action coincided with the celebration of the Day of the Press in commemoration of the appearance of the country’s first newspaper, La Aurora de Chile. Present in the protest were Union 3 of La Nación newspaper, the Federation of TV Station Workers and the Union of Station 13, the Association of Independent Reporters, the National Telephone Workers’ Union, the Unified Labor Center (CUT) and the Students’ Center of the School of Journalism of the University of Santiago (Usach) along with other agencies and associations.
Paraguayan Authorities Search Repsur’s Facilities
By a court order, officials from the Vice-ministry of Justice and Labor of Paraguay searched the head office of Repsur, an Asunción-based gaming company. The search was carried out at the formal request of the Union of Keno, Bingo, and Gaming Salespeople (SINTRAQUIBA), which has been demanding that the company recognize these workers as formal workers. The company’s management has always denied the existence of a legal relationship with the men and women who sell cards. The action was considered as a particularly relevant event, not only because it may lead to the formal recognition of the workers by the company based on documentary and other evidence collected by the company’s management itself, but also because it is the first time in the history of the Paraguayan trade union movement that the labor authorities have taken such an action.
The Other Face of the Panamanian Gaming Industry
Even when the numbers of the gaming industry in Panama are extraordinary, in light of the rapid increase in the number of workers, the working conditions of gaming employees, particularly in casinos and gaming halls, are not. Stress is inherent to the gaming business, since the win-lose-win-lose circle to which gamblers are exposed usually puts workers in a highly vulnerable position, as they are usually considered to be, to a certain extent, responsible for the result of the play; that is, people tend to think that it is the gaming hall workers who determine who wins and who loses. In this regard, often there are acts of aggression against dealers (croupiers), whose skills and dexterity turn them into easy targets of insults and threats and even of physical assault. Certainly all this happens in an environment where there is high alcohol consumption by visitors to casinos and gaming halls. This, in turn, increases the chances for workers to suffer from all manner of aggression.
One Year Later, the Feeling of Impunity still Lives among Us
On March 8, 2008, the world, and particularly the trade union movement, took a terrible blow with the news and discovery of the murder of Leonidas Gómez Rozo, a Colombian trade unionist who was a member of the Management Board of CUT affiliate National Union of Bank Employees (UNEB) and was employed by one of the largest financial multinationals: Citibank. At that time, UNI launched an international campaign that included visits to Colombian embassies in several countries in the Americas and Europe as well as a mission to Colombia coordinated by General Secretary Philip Jennings to demand that the government ensure a transparent investigation and punishment of the culprits. In November 2008, the paramilitary group Águilas Negras (Black Eagles) sent out an e-mail message whereby they claimed responsibility for the murder of brother Leonidas, clearly telling the world that this had been a political crime—a fact that has been constantly denied by the political and judicial authorities of Colombia. One year later, the feeling of impunity still lives among us.
Planning for 2009 by the Commerce Sector in the Americas
The Commerce Sector in the Americas has started planning its activities for the year. The objective is to better allocate the available resources and get unions in shape to face these critical times. On March 16 and 17, a working group will meet in Sao Paulo with the directors of the sector at regional and world levels to identify priorities and define the strategy to be adopted in the region. Some of the topics to be discussed include the Second Regional Conference and the productive execution of Commerce sector projects in cooperation with Comisiones Obreras from Spain for South America and with LO/TCO for Colombia and Peru.
Panama: Agreement on Social Dialogue in the Graphical Industry
On March 4, 2009, Panama’s Minister of Labor and representatives of the National Graphical Arts Chamber, of the Graphical Arts Union of Panama (SITGRAF), and of UNI americas endorsed the Declaration of Buenos Aires, which establishes agreements on freedom of association and collective bargaining. “We are here strengthening the ILO fundamental rights, which my government adheres to,” stated Minister Edwin Salamín Jaén. Both the Labor Minister and the Vice-Minister of Labor, Ricardo González, acted as guarantors of the Agreement. On behalf of the industry chamber, the agreement was subscribed by Victor Fernández Miranda from Imprenta Hernández and Edgardo Averza from Webforma, and on behalf of SITGRAF, by Pedro Hurtado and Bienvenido Napoleón Sánchez, General Secretary and Secretary for Organizing, respectively.
Chávez Announces Seizure of Land Owned by Smurfit Kappa
Today, the President of Venezuela, Hugo Chávez, announced it has seized 1,500 hectares of land owned by the Venezuelan subsidiary of the Irish paper company Smurfit Kappa Group as part of his socialist “land reform.” The El Piñal estate, a “1,500 hectare piece of land where eucalyptus trees are grown was seized yesterday,” said Chávez, without identifying the owners, during an official ceremony at which he also announced the takeover of another 2,237-hectare property located in the municipality of Simón Planas in the Eastern state of Lara.
Poster Campaign for Women’s Day
Since 1975, the International Women’s Year, International Women's Day has been celebrated on March 8 to "commemorate the historic struggle to improve women’s lives." Celebrations are held worldwide, both locally and nationally. Its origin dates back to March 8, 1857, when women in the garment and textile factories staged their first strike in New York City. In 1908, another group of New York women workers went on strike at the Colton Factory and took over the factory. They demanded equal pay for men and women, no work on Sunday, and a shorter workday. They were locked in and the building was set on fire. To commemorate this historic day, UNI launched a poster campaign, thereby showing its commitment to women’s rights and its solidarity to the struggle for equality among its members throughout the world. The posters can be downloaded here. We would like to see our message disseminated as much as possible.
UNI global union
Women’s Department of CONAGRA Chile Participates in Trade Union Fair
Together with other organizations and trade unions affiliated to CUT, on Friday March 6, we participated in the 2009 Trade Union Fair, which convened more than 20 confederations and federations for the purpose of making women’s claims for this March 8 known. Throughout the day, leaflets and posters were distributed to raise awareness of gender issues and encourage women to mobilize for their rights. In the evening, the Fair closed with a play titled “Y no eran sólo costureras” (They Were Not Just Seamstresses), which tells the story of 109 women workers who died in a fire in Cotton, the United States, because they did not want to end a strike.
Source: Women’s Department of CONAGRA Chile
USA: Introduction of Employee Free Choice Act
Today UNI Global Union welcomed the introduction of legislation into the US House of Representatives and the Senate that will allow workers to join unions without fear of management retaliation and pledged its support to a worldwide solidarity campaign. “This is key legislation that will give American workers freedom from fear when it comes to organizing. The depth and viciousness of union-busting tactics in the United States are unconscionable,” said UNI General Secretary Philip Jennings. “The Employee Free Choice Act will let workers stand together in the US to improve their living and working conditions. It will also set an example that will help raise working standards globally.”
UNI global union
Argentina: Layoffs at La Nación
On March 4, La Nación newspaper decided to dismiss nine of the thirty-one colleagues who were already on the list of layoffs submitted to the Ministry of Labor, turning a deaf ear—once again—to the ministerial resolution that ratifies the voluntary conciliation signed on December 16 at the Ministry between the company and UTPBA. The company gave no prior notice; it just handed out a document to the designated workers at their workstations with the intention of communicating the layoffs in that way. The women workers of the Alem branch resisted the irregular attempt of dismissal and remained at their workstations to defend their jobs. Throughout the day, the company made all kinds of intimidatory moves—even requesting an eviction order from the courts—to remove the six women and one man who were still inside the building, supported by their colleagues from outside.
UNI global union
Trade Union Observatory Meets in Panama
The First Ibero-American Meeting of the Second Phase of the Trade Union Observatory of Spanish Transnational Companies was held on March 10 and 11, 2009, in Panama City. With the sponsorship of the UNI-ISCOD-UGT-AECID Project of Spain, the Observatory monitors the behavior of the main Spanish companies operating in the countries in the region. At present, the focus is placed on the following multinational companies: ENDESA and Unión FENOSA (electrical power), BBVA and Santander (banking), Telefónica (telecommunications), and REPSOL (energy). The primary strategic objective is to put labor rights on an equal level at Spanish transnational companies.
Chile: CONAGRA Participates in CUT Rally
The National Graphical Confederation of Chile (CONAGRA) was one of the many organizations that participated in the protest rally convened by the Unified Labor Center (CUT). The high note of the event was the speech given by CUT President Arturo Martínez outside the Government House. He asked for a more active role of the State to achieve more social security for all Chilean citizens and called for a real labor reform to change the existing collective bargaining system and eliminate the use of substitute workers in strikes. He also called on the government to abolish dismissals “by companies out of necessity” due to the abusive way in which businesspeople apply Section 161 of the Labor Code. He also said that this was a rally against the crisis and speculators who take advantage of workers. The march went off peacefully without incident.
Julio Inostroza R., CONAGRA Communications Department
End of Security Guards’ Strike at US Embassy in Chile
The Enterprise Union of Inter-Com Security Systems Chile has sent an official communiqué to the UNI americas Regional Office informing of the settlement of a dispute that had arisen during the negotiation of the Collective Agreement with the company and that had led to a strike a few days ago that could have put the US Embassy in Santiago, Chile, at risk. In effect, after tough negotiations, the trade union leaders reached an agreement with Inter-Com Security Systems Chile that sets favorable conditions for the workers under its representation and ends a dispute that had worsened after a series of failed negotiations to establish a collective contract containing wage improvements for 36 private security guards who regularly guard the US Embassy in the Chilean capital.
Private Security Guards Submit Bill in Panama
On March 16, 2009, leaders of workers’ organizations of the private security sector in Panama submitted a bill to the government to regulate the activities of this growing industry. The Confederation of Workers of the Republic of Panama (CTRP) and two of its affiliates—the Union of Security Agency Workers (UNTAS), which represents the workers of the multinational company Group4 Securicor (G4S), and the Industrial Union of United Security Workers (SITUS), which represents the workers of Seguridad Técnica S. A., the Panamanian subsidiary of Wackenhut—handed in a document drafted by several experts on Labor Law to the Minister of Government and Justice, Dr. Dilio Arcia.
UNI’s Letter to Labor Minister of Panama
“This is to convey to you our great satisfaction for the signing of the Agreement on Social Dialogue in the Graphical Industry of Panama. We fully agree with you that these are the steps that we need to take to address this crisis, which has been primarily caused by a model that has rewarded greed and the absolute lack of ethics and rules. We know that your Government is committed to achieving a fairer distribution of wealth. In this regard, trade unions are an essential tool, as you have recognized by acting as guarantor of this Agreement established between businesspeople and workers of the graphical and packaging industry of Panama.” This is an extract of the letter sent by UNI to the Minister of Labor and Labor Development of Panama in relation to the signing of an Agreement on Social Dialogue in the Graphical Industry of that country.
UNI global union
Latin American Graphical Workers Analyze the Effects of the Crisis
In Sao Paulo, representatives of the graphical sector analyzed the crisis and the status of social dialogue with CONLATINGRAF. “The signing of a Social Agreement with the Panamanian Graphical Chamber will help us face the crisis using social dialogue as a starting point.” Pedro Hurtado, from the Graphical Arts Union of Panama, began his report to the plenary of the Coordination Group of Graphical Unions of the Southern Cone with these words. The group met in Sao Paulo, Brazil on March 15 and 16. In Argentina, Chile, and Panama, unions are working alongside employers in what have come to be known as “Crisis Committees,” through which they seek to minimize the effects of the crisis on employment and the standard of living of workers.
SINTETEL Celebrates Women’s Day in Style
On March 14, the Telecommunications Workers’ Union of Sao Paulo (SINTETEL) held its traditional celebration of International Women’s Day. The union has been organizing this event for the last 21 years. A total of 1,100 people from all parts of the state of Sao Paulo gathered at the Auditorium of the Workers’ House of Forza Sindical and listened to the speech delivered by the President of the UNI americas Women’s Regional Committee, sister Joyce Robinson, who stated that she had never participated in such a massive activity that was so enthusiastic. She said, “In the United States we have a lot to learn from our Brazilian sisters, who convey a sense of unity and companionship.”
Strike in Dairy Estrella Azul of Panama
In the morning of March 25, SITTEA—a UNI affiliate representing the workers of Estrella Azul Companies—went on an indefinite strike to protest the company’s consistent refusal to conclude collective bargaining negotiations to renew the agreement previously signed with the union. Negotiations came to a deadlock because the company categorically refused to give the 25% pay rise demanded by workers despite having increased its profits significantly. Instead, it offered to raise the hourly rate by 6 cents of a dollar—less than the 10-cent increase achieved in the past year’s negotiations. UNI rejects this attitude and expresses its full, unrestricted, and unconditional support to the striking workers; it also vows to follow up on the developments and request the international solidarity of its affiliates. On March 26, UNI Americas launched a solidarity campaign and asked its affiliates to send messages to the Ministry of Labor and Labor Development of Panama urging it to give up its plans of initiating a mandatory arbitration process to solve this dispute, since this is not provided for in the existing legislation and may be seriously detrimental to workers.
UNI Americas REC Addressed the Economic Crisis and Made Recommendations
In a meeting chaired by Rubén Cortina, the members of the Regional Executive Committee discussed the global economic crisis and its repercussions on the region. A large number of speakers criticized the role of the international financial institutions that backed the decisions of irresponsible governments and financial institutions that brought about the loss of savings of thousands of people and the collapse of the economic system. The Executive Committee agreed with the statements made by the Global Unions, which specifically request that measures be taken, such as the defense and protection of labor rights as guidance for negotiations at national and international level.
UNI Signs New Global Agreement
On March 19, 2009, UNI General Secretary Philip Jennings signed a new global agreement with Tel Telecomunicaciones Ltda. in Sao Paulo, Brazil. Mr. André Luiz Zucato, Managing Director, signed the agreement on behalf of the company. Tel Telecomunicaciones Ltda has operations in Brazil, Argentina, and Chile. The agreement was signed during the plenary session of the UNI americas Regional Executive Committee. Almir Munhoz, President of SINTETEL, and Rodolfo Benítez, UNI americas Regional Secretary, were also signatories to the agreement.
UNI americas REC Approves Transition Process
Upon learning of Regional Secretary Rodolfo Benitez’s decision to retire at the end of this year, the Executive Committee expressed its gratitude and appreciation for his 31 years of uninterrupted service to the trade union movement. The General Secretary of UNI Global Union referred to some major milestones in the Regional Secretary’s career and said that UNI will always be thankful to him for his interest, dedication, and hard work during all these years. The members of the Executive Committee stood up and applauded Rodolfo, showing their approval and appreciation for his relentless work. Then, Philip Jennings proposed Raúl Requena to replace Rodolfo Benítez as from January 1, 2010. The Committee approved the suggestion that both officials start working together to ensure a smooth transition process so as to avoid disrupting UNI americas activities.
Workers’ Uncertainty in Light of Modernization of Postal Services in Panama
The introduction of a bill to modernize the Panamanian post and create the concept of “postal operator” as well as a service regulator flared up the battle between the Postal Administration and our affiliate, the Association of Post and Telegraph Employees of Panama (ASECOTEL) because, since the introduction of the bill in September 2008, no information has been provided about the future situation of workers in this new structure. In light of the repeated requests of government officials asking for the support of the employees, the Management Board of ASECOTEL sent a letter to the Postal Service Director expressing its dissatisfaction and requesting a place in the discussions in Congress as legitimate representatives of the interests of the workers of the Panamanian Post. The workers recognize the need for a change but they want to be fully involved in the process, since they are the company’s most valuable asset.
Telephone Worker’s Day in Peru
The Union of Employees of Empresa Telefónica del Perú S.A.A. (SETP) sent us a letter congratulating all its members on the Telephone Worker’s Day in Peru, which we make available to our readers for them to join in this salutation. UNI americas extends fraternal greetings to these hard working colleagues.
Source: SETP
Bolivian Graphical Federation Enters Reorganization Phase
“Today we enter a new phase: the relaunching of the Bolivian Graphical Federation, with new boards in the departmental unions,” said Gutemberg Escobar, Executive Secretary of the FGB, at the opening of the National Conference held from March 26 to 28 in La Paz, Bolivia. A total of 25 delegates, including two women, attended this event. The delegates came from the departments of Tarija, Cochabamba, Potosí, and Santa Cruz de la Sierra. Also present was a delegate of the Bolivian Labor Center (COB).
Electronic Newsletter NEWS of ALEARA
We are pleased to introduce you to the newsletter published by our Argentine Gaming sector affiliate, ALEARA. You can access the publication titled “News”, 7ª Edición, Marzo de 2009 by clicking on this news headline.
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