americas info Electronic Bulletin

Brutal Repression against the Honduran People
Ousted Honduran President Manuel Zelaya returned to the capital city of Honduras—Tegucigalpa—on September 21 and took refuge in the Brazilian Embassy. Manuel Zelaya was overthrown and forced to leave the country on June 28 by military officers, who sent him in precarious conditions to Costa Rica, and since then, he has been travelling around various countries to seek support for his reinstatement and the condemnation of Micheletti’s de facto government. The leaders of the Resistance Front urgently called on all President Zelaya’s supporters to go to the capital city to support and protect the ousted Honduran president. They reacted swiftly; in the afternoon, a large number of citizens from all over the country arrived at the Brazilian Embassy and let President Zelaya know that they would not leave until he was successfully reinstated in office. Supporters were soon repressed and reliable sources have reported that as a result of this repressive attack, 60 people were injured and a trade union leader from the National Agricultural Institute was killed. UNI americas is keeping a close watch over this situation, supporting its affiliates while urging the Micheletti administration to cease all acts of repression against the Honduran people and to respect human rights as well as to ensure the physical integrity of ousted President Manuel Zelaya and the officials of the Brazilian Embassy in Tegucigalpa.
Electricity Sector Campaign on Global Framework Agreements
With a view to enhancing knowledge on Global Framework Agreements by workers of the multinationals AES Corp., Endesa and Gas Natural (formerly Unión FENOSA), a campaign has been launched within the framework of UNI-LO/TCO Project 40059. The campaign will be conducted in the countries of our region where these companies have operations: Argentina, Mexico, Guatemala, El Salvador, Chile, Nicaragua, Colombia, Panama, Peru, and Brazil. It will include the distribution of posters in Spanish and Portuguese listing the fundamental rights of workers enshrined in ILO conventions, which companies are expected to respect. These posters will be put up in different workplaces. Likewise, a decision was made to give workers a brochure including an updated list of the multinational companies that have signed agreements with UNI.
Peruvian Judiciary Orders Worker’s Reinstatement
After almost four years of unrelenting struggle, the Judiciary ordered the full reinstatement of trade union leader Will Ramos Portilla and instructed that all wages and social benefits accrued from the date of dismissal until the date of actual reinstatement be paid. On March 1, 2005, ITETE, an independent contractor of Telefónica, prevented Ramos from accessing his workplace, alleging that his temporary employment contract would not be renewed. On February 9, 2005, the company and the Ministry of Labor were informed of the creation of a trade union called SUTITETE, where Will Ramos Portilla worked as Press and Foreign Relations Secretary. Reporter’s note: Justice takes time, but it always prevails.
Three Colombian Union Leaders of the Telecommunications Sector to be Reinstated
With the support of UNI Colombia, on August 21, 2009 a Colombian court allowed an appeal by three union leaders of the telecommunications sector who were unfairly dismissed and who were protected by trade union prerogatives at the time they were laid off. This decision means a giant victory for workers, given the difficult conditions and the persecution to which workers who form part of the trade union have been subjected. In another unprecedented decision, the Ministry of Social Protection acknowledged many of our claims for irregular practices undertaken by the company Telmex and summoned SINTRATELMEX leaders and a representative of the company. Once there, ministerial representatives rebuked Telmex for certain anti-trade union practices that had been reported to them and noted that if these practices persist or if it is proved that they are intended to destroy the trade union, the company will be punished with a fine in the amount of 500 to 1,200 minimum wages.
Panamanian Leaders of the Private Security Sector Raise their Concerns
The new Regional Secretary of UNI americas met for the first time with trade union leaders of the Panamanian private security sector, bros. Aníbal González, of the National Security Agency Workers’ Union (UNTAS), and Freddy Santana and Iván Grajales of the Industrial Trade Union of United Security Workers (SITUS), at the headquarters of the Regional Office. The trade union leaders reported on the serious situation that prevails among the workers they represent. So far this year, fourteen security guards have been killed with impunity by criminals who were never identified. Since 1990, there have been more than 250 victims in this important sector, a figure that greatly exceeds that of workers employed in the construction sector, which has historically led world statistics in this regard. The union leaders denounced that companies have already created 35 management-controlled trade unions (called “yellow unions”) and noted that most of them currently have or have had connections with governmental officials.
Building Strategic Power in Latin America
Representatives of Kimberly Clark, Donnelley, Quebecor, TetraPak and other leading companies gathered at the meeting of the UNI americas Graphical Working Group on Multinationals, held in Mexico on August 29 and 30. Participants discussed their proposals and unanimously agreed to strengthen organizing, to create trade unions where they do not exist, to step up the work being done by networks, and to effectively coordinate regional and global solidarity. “When we met for the first time in Santiago, almost ten years ago, our current achievements seemed unattainable dreams,” said Juan Palma, President of Conagra Chile and of Quebecor’s trade union in this country. Leif Mettavainio, International Relations Coordinator of GS-Sweden, encouraged participants to make use of IT. "The development of different social networks strengthens our bonds and helps us disseminate the work we do," said Leif.
BWI General Secretary visits the UNI americas Regional Office
A group of 18 representatives of the Building and Wood Workers' International (BWI) led by its Regional Secretary, Sis. Anita Normak, and the Regional Secretary, Bro. Carlos Salguero, visited the UNI americas Regional Office on September 4. Raúl Requena, speaking on behalf of the regional staff of UNI, expressed his gratitude for the visit and highlighted the importance of building strong relations among GUFs, in order to coordinate efforts to achieve Latin American workers' common and specific goals. General Secretary Anita Normak reported on the opening of the new Regional Office of BWI in the City of Knowledge in Panama. She pointed out that Panama is a strategic place for the development of BWI because of its booming construction sector and announced that BWI wishes to work in a more coordinated manner with UNI in the field of training and communication.
Argentina: Workers of Crónica Newspaper Resist Attacks
Since Friday, August 21, graphical workers of Crónica newspaper have fallen victims to labor and trade union harassment by their employer, through individuals who have nothing to do with company staff. They are "bouncers" who bully, persecute, and threaten workers only to irritate them and cause a direct conflict between them and the company. The newspaper's manager, Raúl Olmos, is trying to dismiss 100 graphical workers and another 50 of the press department. We believe that, in light of the current national and global crises, there ought to be no job losses.
“Respect4workers”: the Battle Cry of a Joint Campaign
Global unions ITF and UNI announced today the launching of a new website to support their joint campaign to uphold trade union rights at DHL and other major global delivery (logistics) companies. The new site,, was officially presented at the UNI europa Convention, held in Dublin from September 7 to 9. The Head of the ITF’s Regional and Industrial Office, Ingo Marowsky, attended the Convention, which was organized by UNI Post and Logistics and its World Head, Neil Anderson. During this meeting, ITF and UNI committed themselves to maintaining the pressure on DHL and other global delivery companies, with the aim of increasing union recognition and union membership, as well as protecting workers’ rights within these companies.
Despite the Crisis, Graphical Trade Unions Retain their Benefits
A seminar on Collective Bargaining for graphical trade unions of the Andean region was held on September 5 and 6, in Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia. More than 29 union leaders participated. “The most difficult part is enforcing collective bargaining agreements, especially in light of the current global crisis. Nevertheless, trade unions in the graphical and packaging sector have managed to retain their workers' benefits," said Mercedes Rodríguez of the Citizen Service Federation of CCOO from Spain. “We have good laws in Bolivia, but they are not enforced; employers do as they please, and so we must have strong trade unions to make them observe the law and maintain a balance between workers and employers," said Gutemberg Escobar, General Secretary of the Bolivian Graphical Federation.
Women from Central America and the Caribbean Create Trade Unionists’ Network
Trade Union Women of Central America, Panama, and the Dominican Republic met in early September in San José, Costa Rica, to create a Network to fight for gender equality and decent work. During the event, they analyzed the work and trade union situation of women workers. It was reported that women in the region suffer inequality with respect to working conditions and leadership positions vis-à-vis men. “Although progress has been made, there are still obstacles to achieving fully equal opportunities,” commented María del Jesús Pérez, General Secretary of the National Women Workers' Union of the Dominican Republic.
Creation of an Economic and Social Council in El Salvador
As one of the key trade unions in El Salvador, the Electrical Industry Trade Union of El Salvador (SIES) along with important trade unionists from different Salvadoran confederations, centers, and federations met with the Technical Secretary of the Presidency to request that trade unions be included in the membership of the Economic and Social Council. The request was based on a proposal prepared by all trade unions through the social dialogue promoted by the International Labour Organization (ILO) in response to the Government’s refusal to activate an Economic and Social Consensus Forum, which forms part of the commitments undertaken under the 1992 Peace Accords.
International Campaign for the Protection of Jobs and Working Conditions
The campaign, which was launched at the International Action Week held on December 8-12, 2008, was the result of the Fourth Joint Meeting of Trade Union Networks of International Banks Leónidas Gómez, which had been promoted by the CCSCS Finance Committee, UNI americas Finance Global Union, and the CUT/FNV project and held in São Paulo on November 20 and 21, 2008. One hundred and sixty-five bank workers from 10 countries had attended the Fourth Joint Meeting of the Networks. The International Campaign for the Protection of Jobs and Working Conditions will gain momentum and become more visible during the second semester, in the months preceding the Fifth Joint Meeting of Trade Union Networks of International Banks, to be held in São Paulo, Brazil, and in Santiago de Chile.
Panama: G4S Workers Complete Negotiations
G4S S.A. (Grupo4 Valores) workers completed the negotiation of their new Collective Agreement with the company, after a long process that began in June. Time eventually benefited workers represented by the National Security Agency Workers' Trade Union (UNTAS), who were granted most of the claims included in the list of demands on which the negotiation was based. Among them, worth highlighting is a wage increase for each hour worked, with a provision stating that the company will make an adjustment for all workers with more than two years of uninterrupted service as of July 1, 2009, so that they are paid the minimum wage to be soon established by the government, and that the company undertakes to raise the legal minimum wage by US$ 0.05/hour one month after the governmental decree comes into force.
Colombian Court Orders Telefónica to Reinstate Worker
The Colombian Communication Workers’ Trade Union (USTC) has been notified of the order of the Honorable Supreme Court of Justice, Labor Division, directing the reinstatement of Bro. Diego Picón Morales, a worker of Telebucaramanga, a subsidiary of the Telefónica Group in Colombia, who was dismissed on July 29, 2003. The trade union expects similar orders to be issued for six other workers who were dismissed that same day for taking part in trade union activities as well as for another 27 workers protected by trade union prerogatives who were dismissed in 2008, and for 65 workers dismissed in 2005.
Brazilian Postal Workers Go on Strike
On September 15, after holding consultations in all Brazilian provinces, postal workers decided to go on strike for an indefinite period of time. During the negotiations that preceded the signing of the collective agreement, FENTECT demanded a real wage increase in excess of the annual inflation rate in addition to a US$ 150 wage increase for all workers. However, the representatives of the Brazilian postal company only offered a 4.5% increase, in accordance with the National Consumer Price Index. FENTECT rejected the proposal in full at the negotiation table, and the company promised to come up with a new proposal. Since it has failed to do so, the workers held assemblies throughout the country and decided, by a wide majority, to go on strike for an indefinite period of time in order to pressure the company into making a new wage increase offer that meets Brazilian workers' needs and is more in line with the national economic situation.
3rd Brazilian Telecommunications Workers’ Congress Begins
The city of Serra Negra, located in the state of São Paulo, Brazil, was the venue of the 3rd National Telecommunications Workers' Congress, which was organized by the National Federation of the sector, FENATTEL. Participants included trade unions from the states of Río de Janeiro, São Paulo, Mato Grosso, Pernambuco, Amazonas, Roraima, and Goiás, among others. Almir Munhoz, in his opening speech, said that the he was extremely happy to be the president of such a strong organization as FENATTEL, and that this is and has been his greatest dream, which has now come true.
Chilean CENCOSUD Group Workers Go on Strike
CENCOSUD Group workers of the Tiendas Paris chain in Talca, a city located 250 km south of Santiago, went on strike after the company’s management announced wage cuts and refused to talk to the trade union. Trade union members and the trade union itself, Federación Paris 1, a brand new UNI Global Union affiliate, have been on strike for 10 days because the company is unwilling to negotiate the new wage scheme that would reduce the wage level established in the collective agreement that is currently in force. The Chilean UNI – CENCOSUD Alliance will hold an urgent meeting to seek a solution to this dispute.
ChildFund International Launches New Global Strategy and Brand
The international organization ChildFund, formerly called Christian Children Fund, officially launched its new global strategy and brand on September 17, in the City of Knowledge, Panama. UNI americas was represented by Regional Directors Márcio Monzane and Alberto Barrow along with UNI americas Women Officer Briceida González. Dula James, Vice-president of ChildFund for the Americas, underscored the work the foundation has done for 70 years to help poor children around the world. UNI americas Youth is campaigning to eradicate child labor in the Americas by promoting children's right to live their childhood in a peaceful environment, to smile, to play, and to go to school. Likewise, UNI americas Women, through its “Stop Violence against Women” global campaign, is spreading the message that all women and children have a right to live free from violence in all its forms, including, among others, child labor, exploitation through forced domestic service or prostitution.
Argentine Youth Network Organizes Photography Exhibition
On September 2, a photography exhibition called “Stolen Toys” (Juguetes Robados) by Pablo Valle was held at the seat of the Legislative Power of the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires. The event was organized by the UNI americas Argentine Youth Network, with the invaluable help of Representative Daniel Amoroso, who inaugurated the exhibition and talked about Child Labor. Hernán Gómez and Juan Martín Sánchez participated on behalf of the UNI americas Argentine Youth Network and informed the audience about the numerous activities that the Network carries out to address the issue of child-teen labor, which is not just a problem of the children who work and their families but a social problem with no easy solution. We can all help eradicate child labor.
Dismissals at ATENTO Peru following Submission of List of Demands
The Peruvian Teleatento Workers' Trade Union (SITTEPE) submitted its First List of Demands to the company ATENTO, which reacted by dismissing 13 unionized workers and by sharply reducing the payment of commissions. In the wake of this unheard-of response, the trade union took a series of actions, such as denouncing the situation in the media and making peaceful street demonstrations, which were closely “watched” by the police. Although the company has shown no signs of bringing these clearly anti-trade union attitudes to an end, workers are willing to uphold their rights through dialogue at a negotiation table.
Peru: Nurses Affected by Anti-union Policy
From September 15 through 18, 200 representatives of the National Trade Union of Nurses of the Peruvian Social Health Insurance System (SINESSS) from all over the country gathered in Lima to attend the National Plenary Session and the Extraordinary Congress convened by the trade union's National Board. The trade union devoted itself to devising a strategy to address the unprecedented situation faced in the sector in Peru, with the trade union and its national and grassroots leaders being under attack. Attacks of this kind, which also involve death threats, had never taken place before, not even at the height of Fujimori's dictatorship. Undoubtedly, the combative SINESSS is seen as a serious obstacle by the authorities of the Peruvian Social Health Insurance System (ESSALUD), who intend to modify the provision of health care under the notion that health is like any other good that can be exchanged in the stock market.
UNI americas Regional Secretary Visits Argentina
The UNI americas Regional Secretary visited Argentina and met with the UNI Argentina Liaison Committee. Raúl Requena referred to the actions undertaken in the region and answered questions from union leaders. He pointed out that the policies established for the region at the 2nd UNI-Americas Regional Conference held in Mar del Plata in 2007, had to be observed. He also stressed the need to review the degree of fulfillment of objectives and work towards attaining those still outstanding. Moreover, he made reference to the next meeting of the World Executive Board (Nyon - Switzerland - November 2009), during which the following five strategic objectives or topics to be adopted at the Nagasaki World Congress will be discussed: 1) Changes in globalization, 2) Jobs with justice, 3) Organizing in the services sector, 4) Respect for human and trade union rights, and 5) Equal rights and concerted action. Bro. Requena also informed that the next meeting of the Regional Executive Committee will be held in Montevideo (Uruguay) in February 2010.
Brazilian Bank Workers on Strike for Wage Increase
Bank workers are asking for inflation adjustments, i.e. actual wage increases, as well as clearer rules for corporate profit sharing. Banks have offered a 4.5% adjustment, which does not taken into account the demands made by the Bargaining Committee. According to the information provided by trade unions on their first day of strike, only in São Paulo, more than 29,000 workers did not show up for work and more than 600 offices remained closed to the public. Strikers have organized a mass demonstration along Paulista avenue, a major financial center in the country.
Colombia Approves Non-Sexist Language Agreement
The Parliament in Bogotá (the legislative power in the Colombian capital city) approved an agreement promoting the use of non-sexist language with a gender perspective. As the text literally states, the agreement is "aimed at promoting changes in the linguistic culture of men and women in Bogotá and fighting the historical discrimination against women at different levels of social life, by making men and women visibly stand on an equal footing, both formally and substantively, as enshrined in the National Constitution."
Document Submitted to the Regional Steering Committee at UNI-FES Seminar
Postal union leaders of the Americas participating in a UNI-FES Seminar in Mexico City agreed to submit a political document to the Regional Steering Committee of the Post and Logistics Sector, which held a meeting on Monday, September 28, entitled “The Post in Latin America.” This document briefly analyzes the situation of postal services and companies in our region, which is deemed critical by union leaders, who also propose different courses of action to face the problem, already hitting workers hard in different countries. To read the full document, click on “related files.”
Meeting of the RSC of UNI americas Post & Logistics
Mexico City 28/09/09. The meeting of the UNI americas Post & Logistics Regional Steering Committee began today. The Mexican postal union, the host of these activities, has reported that the negotiations to settle the dispute affecting Mexican workers are well on their way to a satisfactory solution for the parties concerned. If this were not so, the world will support SEPOMEX’s struggle by participating in a public demonstration scheduled for September 30 at the Revolution Monument, said Neil Anderson firmly, and stated his wish that the 3rd Conference come up with a specific Action Plan for the sector, including the recommendations and suggestions made by the World Board.
G20 to Include Decent Work as a Key to Economic Upswing
From a trade union perspective, significant progress was made at the recent G20 meeting in Pittsburgh vis-à-vis the meeting held in London last April. It has been indeed a notable achievement that the leaders of 20 countries should have acknowledged the importance of recovering employment based on a decent job approach, recognizing its value in upholding all the efforts made at different levels to weather and overcome the crisis.
New Leaders Join in the Collective Bargaining Network
Leaders from the National Board and members of the Cardboard Industry Workers’ Trade Union (STICA) of Costa Rica representing workers from packaging sector companies Decar, Envaco, Guarco, and Corbel organized a seminar to analyze collective bargaining issues and strategies. Both leaders and activists talked about the difficulties they face to maintain the benefits of members in their respective collective bargaining agreements.
Strengthening the Collective Bargaining Network
A seminar on Collective Bargaining took place in Managua, Nicaragua, on September 26 and 27, with the participation of 26 trade union leaders, half of whom were women. This event is part of a specialized training program on this topic carried out by UNI americas Graphical in the region, which already has a regional network. Participants discussed the characteristics and qualities of collective bargainers and reviewed the progress made in this field in 2008 and during 2009, with a special focus on the pressure required to retain acquired benefits in collective bargaining agreements.
3rd Regional Conference of UNI americas Post & Logistics
Mexico City. 29/09/09. With an impressive turnout (85 participants), the 3rd Regional Conference of UNI americas Post & Logistics was officially inaugurated. The conference was attended by postal unions from the following countries: Argentina, Colombia, United States of America, Canada, Chile, Venezuela, Brazil, Nicaragua, Honduras, Panama, Dominican Republic, Costa Rica, Paraguay, and Mexico, the host country. Fraternal delegations from Spain, Korea, France, and Japan also took part in this major event, creating the perfect atmosphere for it to meet the expectations of all postal union leaders in the Americas and the Caribbean.
Activities of the UNI americas Post & Logistics Conference
Mexico City. 30/09/09. The last day of the 3rd Regional Conference of UNI americas Post & Logistics was marked by a candid and open debate on the future of public postal services and companies. The debate addressed the following three issues: 1) Where is the postal industry heading? 2) Where is the logistics industry pointing to? and 3) Workers’ demands. The agreements and resolutions adopted by the Conference will be drafted in the short run and included in an Action Plan to be submitted to the Plenary together with the political document to be drafted by the UNI-FES Seminar, containing the testimony of trade union partners represented in this event, which was endorsed by the Conference. Moreover, Organizing DHL Project Coordinator Ivonne Jackelen presented an overview of the work being carried out by UNI and ITF in order to organize workers in this multinational logistics company. In turn, ITF, represented by José Arturo Ruiz, from USTAC Guatemala, talked about a positive organizing experience in his union, which succeeded in organizing La Aurora airport and civil aviation workers in Guatemala.
Honduras: De Facto Government Closes Mass Media
With the Executive Order issued by the de facto government in Honduras, individual and collective liberties were curtailed in Honduras. Its first victims were Radio Globo and TV Station 36 (Cholusat Sur), which were raided by heavily armed military men, who seized their equipment and prevented prosecutors from entering the premises. As is publicly known, the de facto government headed by Roberto Micheletti has shut down all the mass media that broadcast the opinions of those who make up the Resistance Front against the coup d’état, where Honduran trade union centers are playing an active role. As reported by reliable sources, all the equipment was taken away from the broadcasting stations, evincing the government’s political intention to silence the voice of those who are against the coup and to undermine the legitimate right of the Honduran people to vindicate democracy, under which their president was elected. This aggravates the situation in the country, which was already in turmoil as a result of President Manuel Zelaya’s stay at the Brazilian embassy as a guest.
Electronic Bulletin “NEWS”
We are very pleased to announce the creation of the Gaming Electronic Bulletin, which is administered by ALEARA. We deliver our readers the link of its publication called “NEWS”, corresponding to September 2009, to which you may access by clicking the title of this article.
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