Alliance recalls importance of online rights for creative workers

The French Think Tank "Confrontations" and CSPH-International organised a conference on "Innovation of growth this week at the European Parliament attended by over 150 participants from the European Commission, European Parliament, consumer groups and representatives of the creative community. The conference focussed on the crucial importance of Intellectual property for all industries based on creation and innovation.
The Alliance of FIA, FIM and UNI MEI, the International Arts and Entertainment Alliance (IAEA) participated in the conference and welcomed the contribution of Commissioner Michel Barnier (Internal Market) who reiterated the commitment of the Commission to tackle the issue of counterfeiting and piracy, recalling their negative impact on jobs. Mr. Barnier also insisted on the need to increase the online legal offer and involve ISPs, while avoiding unnecessary criminalisation of citizens.
IAEA Secretary, Benoît Machuel, expressed the support of the Alliance to the recently adopted Gallo report. He also stated that IAEA would welcome amendments to the Enforcement directive currently under review, that would allow for effective measures directed at those who make of copyright infringement their business, thus promoting illegal behaviours and consciously damaging the jobs and welfare of all those who create and perform. The Commission should ensure that effective, speedy and costless remedies are made available in all Member States for this purpose. “It is not acceptable that offshore platforms based in no-law zones establish their commercial success and wealth on deliberate illicit appropriation of protected contents, while creative workers hardly make a living from their craft”, he said.
Members of the UNI MEI Intellectual Property Working group participated in the conference attended by Members of the European Parliament Committees on Culture, Foreign Trade and Internal Market. UNI MEI and IAEA President Heinrich Bleicher Nagelsmann underlined the importance to equally aiming at better protection of creative content online and the further development of national and European regulatory frameworks that favours fair remuneration for creators. Both objectives need to be part of a coherent EU policy in order to sustain creation and creative industries.
To download the full IAEA statement on the conference click on the menu "Related Files" above.