Aceh Trade Union Care Centre extend support to UNI affiliates in Japan
Dear Kun and Chris.
We are very concerned about the earthquake and tsunami that hit Japan in last March. This disaster reminds us on the earthquake and tsunami that occurred in Aceh last 2004. This disaster has killed thousands of Acehnese and destroy all the buildings and make a deep sorrow for the family of the victims. However support from union colleagues and the international community has helped people of Aceh to rise up and rebuild the economy, education and social culture. Currently, the people of Aceh can work normally again with good and conducive environment.
For union members and Japanese people who are victims of the earthquake and tsunami, we are praying for you, to keep high spirit in facing major disaster and strong passion in building a better future.
As a form of solidarity and concern for the victims of the earthquake and tsunami in Japan, we are from TUCC Aceh, colleagues from Union affiliates in Aceh and TUCC community centers in Aceh has provided the donation for the amount of Rp 9,000,000 (nine million rupiah) that have been transferred on Tuesday / 5 April 2011 to UNI APRO account in Indonesia, Bank BCA Account No: 0350821422.
Besides, we also send solidarity greetings from Acehnese childrens in the TUCC Community Center for Japanese children, and greetings from Acehnese union members for trade union members in Japan.
Hopefully this disaster can make us stronger and more solid in the future.
In Solidarity,
Coordinator TUCC-Aceh
Jl.T.Umar Lr.Bakti No.1
Geuceu Kayee Jato-Banda Aceh
Dear Maskun dan Chris.
Kami sangat prihatin terhadap bencana gempa dan tsunami yang melanda Jepang bulan maret lalu.bencana tersebut mengingatkan kami terhadap gempa dan tsunami Aceh yang terjadi tahun 2004 yang lalu.karena bencana tersebut telah menewaskan ribuan warga Aceh dan menghancurkan semua bangunan dan membuat duka yang mendalam bagi keluarga korban. Namun dukungan dari teman2 serikat dan masyarakat Internasional telah membantu kami masyarakat Aceh untuk bangkit dan membangun kembali perekonomian, pendidikan dan sosial budaya. sehingga kini masyarakat Aceh sudah dapat beraktifitas dengan baik dan kondusif.
Untuk rekan2 serikat pekerja dan masyarakat Jepang yang menjadi korban gempa dan tsunami, kami mendoakan semoga anda tetap tegar menghadapi bencana besar tersebut dan mari bangkit serta semangat dalam membangun harapan dan masa depan yang lebih baik.
Sebagai bentuk solidaritas dan kepedulian terhadap korban bencana gempa dan tsunami di Jepang kami dari TUCC-Aceh dan rekan2 serikat pekerja dan community center di Aceh memberikan bantuan Rp 9.000.000 (sembilan juta rupiah) yang telah ditransfer pada hari selasa/5 April 2011 ke No.UNI Apro account di Indonesia, Bank BCA Norek: 0350821422.
Selain itu kami juga mengirimkan salam solidaritas dari anak2 Aceh di CC Cot Suruy untuk anak-anak Jepang. dan salam dari rekan2 Serikat untuk rekan2 serikat pekerja di Jepang.
Semoga bencana ini membuat kita lebih kuat dan lebih solid dalam menatap masa depan.
Salam Solidaritas.
Koordinator TUCC-Aceh
Jl.T.Umar Lr.Bakti No.1
Geuceu Kayee Jato-Banda Aceh
5-2-2, Higashi Ueno, Taito-ku,
Tokyo 110-0015, JAPAN
Phone: +81 3 5830 2717 FAX: +81 3 5830-2484
M. Arnif
Coordinator TUCC-Aceh
JI.T.Umar Lr. BAkti No.1
Geuceu Kayee Jato-Banda Aceh
Dear M. Arnif,
I am writing to thank you for the pictures with a group of TUCC people and children holding the banners and the donation box. At the same time, we appreciate that you have asked your people to make individual contributions to the humanitarian relief efforts. Those pictures give us very kind words of condolence and concern for the victims of the horrendous natural disaster in Japan on March 11, 2011.
The eastern part of Japan has been afflicted by the series of events such as big earthquakes, subsequent tsunamis, and possible meltdowns since the afternoon of March 11. Almost one month has been passed since March 11. The current situations are still far away from normal. So far 350,000 are displaced and evacuees including those who fled from the vicinity of the troubled nuclear reactors in Fukushima, and over 27,600 dead or missing.
As for postal workers, around 60 are reportedly killed or missing. JP Group side and our side are working hard on gather information of these people.
Again thank you for your pictures and donations to us.
In Solidarity,
Norinaka Takeuchi
President of JPGU