6th ASEAN Regional Tripartite Social Dialogue Conference , Nay Pyi Taw, Myanmar 13 – 14 January 2015.
Regional Tripartitte Social Dialogue Conference (RTSDC) has played a significant role as a platform to exchange latest information and good practices on labour issues affecting workers, employers and governments in the region since 2009. This annual Conference is hosted by the Government who holds the Chairmanship of ASEAN. The 5th. RTSDC held in Brunei in June 2014, with the theme Occupational Safety and Health was hosted by Department of Labour, Brunei Darussalam and inaugurated by the Commissioner of Labour.
The UNI Apro Regional Secretary, Christopher Ng led a delegation to Nay Pyi Taw, Myanmar to participate at the 6th. ASEAN RTSDC held on 13 – 14 January 2015. UNI Apro Delegation include Bro Mohamed Shafie BP Mammal, President of UNI MLC Malaysia and Secretary General of ASETUC, representatives for UNI affiliates from Indonesia, Vietnam, Malaysia, Philippines and Thailand. The Federation of AEON Group Workers’ Trade Union, Japan participated as observers.
The Conference was organized jointly by the Ministry of Labour, Employment and Social Security (MOLES), Myanmar, the ASEAN Services Employees Trade Unions Council (ASETUC), which comprises of affiliates from three Global Union Federations - Building and Wood Workers International (BWI), Public Services International (PSI) and UNI Global Union Asia and Pacific (UNI Apro); the ASEAN Confederation of Employers (ACE); the ASEAN Secretariat and Friedrich-Ebert Stiftung (FES) Germany.
The ASEAN Regional Tripartite Social Dialogue Conference is an initiative proposed by ASETUC, with full support from FES Germany, to promote social dialogue in ASEAN and the inclusion of Decent Work Agenda in the development strategy of the ASEAN Community. This annual Conference is part of the ASEAN Labour Minister Work Program 2010 – 2015.
The regional social dialogue Conference was launched in Bangkok, Thailand (October 2009) followed by the annual Conference held Hanoi, Vietnam (April 2010), Jakarta, Indonesia (October 2011), Siem Reap, Cambodia (August 2012) and Brunei Darussalam (June 2014). The next Conference will be held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia to be hosted by the Ministry of Manpower, Malaysia in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia in 2015.
The participants representing the tripartite partners from various ASEAN countries deliberated on the impact of ASEAN economic integration on women workers reviewed regional and national policies and strategic action program aimed at narrowing the legislative gaps to overcome the barriers to women's full economic and social participation, particularly the quest to increase decent jobs for women, ending work place gender discrimination and eliminate the gender wage gap.
Yoko Ogawa, UNI Apro Director for Equal Opportunities presented a paper to facilitate discussions and moderated a number of discussions sessions. The participation of the various representative of the ASEAN Commission on the Promotion and the Protection of the Rights of Women and Children enabled UNI Apro to expand its network to support UNI Apro campaign to end gender discrimination at the work places and in societies.
Following the Conference, the Regional Secretary led a delegation to meet with the HE U Aye Myint, Union Minister of Labour, Employment and Social Security Republic of the Union of Myanmar (MOLES) Present at the meeting was his two Deputy Ministers and three Director Generals of the respective departments. Also present was Daw Khine Khine Nwe, Joint Secretary General the Union of Myanmar Federation of Chambers of Commerce and Industry (UMFCCI).
The one hour meeting was meaningful and constructive. From the interactions, it is clear that the Ministry appreciate our effort to promote partnership industrial relations in ASEAN and Myanmar in particular. MOLES was the host for the Conference on Partnership Industrial organised UNI Apro and FES Germany in Yangon in June 2012.