Atos Romania workers prepare to strike
The Romanian IT union SITT has initiated a labor dispute in Atos Romania after unsuccessful attempts to negotiate a new collective agreement. See the union's press release below:
Atos Romania Workers Start a Labour Dispute and Get Ready to Strike
Timișoara, Romania, January 16th, 2018
Employees of Atos Romania decided to initiate a labour dispute after the unsuccessful attempts of management to find a satisfactory solution in the negotiations of a new collective agreement. Atos employees are represented by the Timisoara IT Union - SITT.
The Timisoara IT Union - SITT, one of the largest unions in Romania’s IT sectors, with over 1400 Atos employees as members, has gotten the agreement of over 70% of the employees to go on a warning strike.
The new collective agreement negotiations started in September, 2017. SITT positioned the requests according to Atos Romania’s demonstrated exceptional results on the IT market. Management presented 3 collective agreement offers, but none of them came close to the expectations and requests, and were refused, by vote, by the employees.
In December, 2017, the negotiations came to a halt, strongly accentuated by the government emergency ordinance to modify the Fiscal Code, and management tried to condition the negotiation by a partial compensation of the losses caused by the tax increase brought about by OUG 79. Atos Romania is thus trying to make the workers accept a financial solution and sign a collective agreement beneath expectations.
Following these new regulations, Atos employees decided to start a labour dispute. The next step is trying to resolve the issue at the Timis Territorial Labour Institute, on January 18th, but if a satisfactory result for the workers is not reached, they will set off a warning strike, followed by a general strike.
Atos Romania has over 2100 employees in Romania, most in Timisoara, but there are offices in Brasov and Bucharest. The Atos Romania employees joined SITT in the summer of 2017. The company holds an important spot on the Romanian IT market, with a 232 mil. Lei turnover in 2016, and a 40 mil Lei profit.
The Timisoara IT Union (SITT) exists in Timisoara since 2009 and is one of the largest unions in the Romanian IT sectors, representing over 5000 workers from different companies in the country.
For more information, please contact us at
The Timisoara IT Union (SITT) Press Office