Unions say European Central Bank has a key role on the road back to a strong Europe
In the frame of the conclusions to the last plenary meeting of the social dialogue with the European System of Central Banks (ESCB), UNI Europa Finance welcomed the opportunity of being informed by the European Central Bank about several new projects at a rather early stage. This was a clear improvement compared to previous meetings. Together with the other two trade union federations of the social dialogue, UNI Europa Finance, communicated their concluding remarks of the plenary meeting that had taken place in March 2017. The European trade union federations appreciated the open exchange with the President Mr Draghi, even if the points of view diverge on some issues.
Anna Maria Romano headed the UNI Europa Finance delegation and acted as the spokesperson on the trade union side at the meeting.
The trade unions regretted that in some national Central Banks, trade union structures do not yet exist. They believe that a strong signal by the ECB towards the NCB about the importance of a democratic social dialogue should be sent and they are ready to join forces in order to build up social dialogue where it not yet exists and strengthen it where it needs to be strengthened. In addition, an improved social dialogue in the NCBs could have positive repercussions on the trust of the public in the (European) institutions. In return, this would contribute in a positive way to the general combat of rising nationalism and anti-European agitation.
The social dialogue also covered topics such as the ESCB’s approach to FinTech; Health and Safety of ECB and central bank employees and the implications of BREXIT on ESCB and Bank of England staff.
The European trade union federations underlined the fundamentally important role of the ESCB for the entire financial system in Europe and its far reaching responsibility for society. The ECB as an institution, together with the trade unions, must value this role and together, through a democratic and serious consultation process, tackle the challenges ahead. In a difficult setting with nationalism rising and digitalisation putting into question many legal, social or security aspects of the financial system. Social dialogue, trust and equality must be key elements on the road back to a strong Europe.