On the evening of March 30, the three national trade unions Federations Filcams CGIL, CISL and Fisascat Uiltucs and Confcomercio signed the draft agreement for the renewal of the national contract for the tertiary sector.
"In a difficult economic and social situation the successful conclusion of the negotiations and the signature of a joint agreement is an important and significant signal." So the national secretariats Filcams CGIL, CISL and Fisascat Uiltucs have commented on the draft agreement for the renewal of the national labor contract of the tertiary, distribution and services agreement signed on March 30 by the unions with the employers' association Confcommercio.
"After the interruption of the negotiations in June last year - continued the national secretariats - an agreement was reached that delivers a unified wage outcome and a regulatory framework for the period 2015 - 2017".
The new national collective agreement, effective from 1 April 2015, will be applied to more than 3 million workers and workers in the tertiary sector, commerce, distribution and services, for which the agreement has established an economic increase of 85,00 € to be paid in five installments.
In confirming the percentage of use of the fixes term contracts, the parties agreed the extension of the legislation on apprenticeship – the confirmed percentage is at 20% - to all companies regardless of size.
"In looking for a mediation, the second level of negotiations was reconfirmed - have concluded the three national secretariats - while confirming the validity and centrality of the national contract that, at a time still critical for the country, marked by stagnation in consumption and uncertainties for the coming months, enhances the system of labor relations. "
The draft agreement signed will be submitted to trade unions’ delegates in Rome next 14 April and then to the consultation of workers and employees in the workplace.
UNI Europa congratulates its three national affiliates in Italy for this big achievement which will substantially contribute to improving the situations of millions of people employed in such a key sector for the Italian economy.