REFIT and EU Commission threaten working women rights

The European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC) representing millions of working women across Europe and the European Women’s Lobby (EWL) representing over 2000 women’s organisations are alarmed that the EU Commission, as part of its deregulatory ‘REFIT’ agenda, is considering withdrawing the proposal to strengthen maternity leave and the rights of women who have recently given birth and/or are breastfeeding, commonly referred to as the Maternity Leave or Pregnant Workers’ Directive.
ETUC and EWL issued a joint call to the European Parliament to oppose the withdrawal intent of the EU Commission. The joint letter also calls upon the European Parliament to restate its support for better maternity rights and to re-engage in the legislative process to proceed together with the Council to a second reading of the Pregnant Workers’ Directive.
UNI Europa and UNI Equal Opportunities join the ETUC/EWL demands. We are convinced that the proposals for a revised Directive would make a positive difference to millions of women and their families. Withdrawing the proposed Directive however, would seriously undermine our efforts regarding the EU’s commitment to gender equality and to fostering women’s economic engagement.
UNI Europa highlights its full and unequivocal support for the full payment of maternity leave, and effective protection against discrimination.
“Adopting a stronger Maternity Directive would prove to European workers and citizens that EU institutions adopt legislation that matters in their daily lives. Failing to re-engage in compromise negotiations on the Maternity Directive however, would inevitably set the tone for a new legislature that is subdued to flawed economic argumentation neglecting the possible concrete improvements in living and working conditions of women in Europe. The new EU Parliament must play a key role in re-balancing the biased discussion around maternity protection which has been blocked due to the opposition of some Member States”, said Oliver Roethig, UNI Europa Regional Secretary.
UNI Europa calls on the new EU Parliament to act upon its important Treaty role and oppose the EU Commission’s deregulatory prerogatives as enshrined in its REFIT Strategy.
The ‘Call for Support’ joint letter is annexed.