Social Partners respond to EU consultation on undeclared work
UNI Europa Property Services and the European Federation of Cleaning Industries (EFCI) send a joint reply to the European Commission’s second stage consultation of Social Partners under Article 154 TFEU on enhancing EU cooperation in the prevention and deterrence of undeclared work.
In March 2014, UNI Europa Property Services and EFCI sent a joint response to the EU consultation on undeclared work. In particular, the social partners were requested to forward an opinion on the objectives and content of the initiative envisaged by the European Commission, on enhancing cooperation between Member States in the prevention and deterrence of undeclared work.
This initiative entails the setting up of a European platform as a vehicle to “improve cooperation between the Member states, improve Member States’ technical capacity to tackle cross-border aspects of undeclared work and increase Member States’ awareness on the urgency of the action and encourage the fight against undeclared work”.
The joint response, which is in line with the position of the European Trade Union Confederation, highlights the following:
- UNI Europa Property Services and EFCI strongly support the establishment of an independent European platform, whose aim is to track, prevent and sanction undeclared work
- The scope of the platform should go beyond the exchange of information and best practices and indeed should foresee tasks that enhance existing control mechanisms and deal with cross-border issues
- The proposed European platform should foresee the mandatory participation of all Member States
- European social partners are central actors in the fight against undeclared work and therefore membership in the platform is indispensable
UNI Europa Property Services and EFCI will present their joint reply at the upcoming EU Social Dialogue Liaison Forum on 19 May, Brussels.
The UNI Europa and EFCI joint reply is annexed.
The ETUC Resolution on Undeclared work, adopted at the ETUC Executive Committee meeting on 11-12 March 2014 is annexed.