Three months after the adoption of Resolution No. 5 "Intensifying efforts to strengthen UNI-MEI in Africa" in Nairobi, the President of RATTAWU- Nigeria, Abel Oluyemisi Bamgbose, member of the UNI Africa Executive Committee led from 15 to 18 December 2013, a mission of work visit in Abidjan-Côte d'Ivoire, focused on mobilizing workers of MEI sector for the creation of a strong trade union movement in the West Africa sub-region in particular and the African continent in General.
Accompanied by four members of the RATTAWU Executive, two men and two women, Mr Abel Oluyemisi Bamgbose has focused on experiences sharing with real actors of MEI sector. In order to realize the realities of the sector in Côte d'Ivoire, the RATTAWU delegation has exchanged best practices of organising with several actors including, artists as well as workers of news paper and audio-visual companies in public and private sector.
The media companies visited are the followings:
- Ivorian Radio Television
- Newspaper Fraternité Matin
- The OlympeGroup, which publishes three newspapers
- The Ivorian Press Agency the companies visited are:
In addition, it should be noted that during their stay in Abidjan, RATTAWU delegates through two meetings, have discussed with the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung and the representatives of the “Intersyndicale” of Media in Côte d'Ivoire which is a platform put in place by ten unions of MEI sector.
As can be seen, the RATTAWU work visit in Côte d'Ivoire symbolizes the beginning of the implementation of the Resolution No. 5 "Intensify the effort in strengthening UNI MEI in Africa", recently adopted at the 3rd UNI Africa Conference held in September in Nairobi, Kenya.