UNI Europa Security Printing Conference
Over 80 delegates from 14 countries participated in a 3 day conference for the security printing sector organized by UNI Europa Graphical & Packaging and UNI Europa Finance.
Oliver Rothig the new UNI Europa Secretary addressed the seminar and spoke about the importance of the Graphical & Packaging and the Finance Sectors working together in the Security Printing Sector. He spoke about the importance of a ‘triangle of solidarity’, ie a strong UNI presence, an activist membership and a fair and social Europe. He said that as UNI affiliates we must continue to break down the barriers between Regional and national levels.
A research paper prepared by David Tarren from ADAPT International was presented to participants which was titled ‘Situation and evolution of the sector. Market, technologies and environment.’
In his address David referred to the importance of accurate data being collated and urged participants to complete the questionnaires and return them. Preliminary results from material collected to date shows that money printing will increase but other areas of security printing like stamps will decrease. Analysis of the data collected to date shows an increase in stress and work intensification as well as continued pressure on wages and conditions.
The work groups further debated these issues and also identified other areas that Unions need to be active in, including such things as
· Access to training and skills
· Workplace discrimination particularly on gender where women are being treated differently
· Health and safety
· Information and consultation
Speakers from the European Central Bank, Banque de France, Casa De La Moneda and the HR Director of De La Rue spoke about different aspects of the security printing sector including what Social Dialogue means to the companies.
Bro Udagawa from the Japanese All Printing Bureau also spoke about the security printing industry in Japan.
The workshops also discussed the working conditions that exist in the sector and what social dialogue means to the workforce.
At the conclusion of the seminar the participants adopted a Declaration that noted
· The need and the importance of establishing works councils at National and European level
· That the conference condemns the wild social dumping organized by companies in order to get new contracts and the lack of investment in job creation industries
· The EBC should maintain in the future the policy of quotas such as it currently exists
· That gender based discrimination still exists and demands that this be discussed within works councils
· That UNI Europa Graphical & Packaging and UNI Europa Finances will continue to campaign for the highest level of health and safety practices in the sector
· That UNI Europa Graphical & Packaging and UNI Europa Finances and their affiliates commit to establishing networks at all levels (Company, National, European and Global) across the security printing sector and to reinforce the bonds which link all trade union representatives and to make live and develop solidarity between the workers