17 union leaders from the Uganda Printers Paper Polyfibre and Allied Workers’ Union (UPPPAWU) met in Kampala over the weekend to discuss how to build organising capacity within the union.
Included in the programme were sessions on building confidence within the union and developing effective labour union leadership.
The 2 day seminar was funded through the CEP Humanity Fund and has been part of a 2 year project in Uganda. The project has concentrated on building organisational, leadership and collective bargaining skills for union activists in the UPPPAWU.
40% of the participants were women with the average age range of all participants in their middle 30’s. The leadership of the UPPPAWU are committed to encouraging women and young people to take an active role in the Union which will then ensure there is succession planning in place and that the next wave of union leaders have developed their skills.
The HoD of the Graphical & Packaging Sector provided an overview of the strategic direction of the sector and the importance of building strong effective networks at both regional and global level.. He also reinforced the Breaking Through message and encouraged the local union leaders to begin a systematic campaign of organising and recruiting in their workplace.
Training sessions for the participants enabled skills to be developed and enhanced particularly in areas of leadership and confidence. Two trainers from COFTU (the trade union center) conducted lively and interactive sessions, participants have been set goals and tasks to complete and all committed to developing an action plan to put into effect the skills which were developed over the 2 days.
Contact steve.walsh@uniglobalunion.org