UNI Alliance calls on Walmart to change its anti-worker behaviour
UNI Walmart Global Union Alliance calls on Walmart to change its anti-worker behaviour
Buenos Aires 24 June 2013 - Around 120 Walmart workers and UNI affiliates from Argentina and abroad are joining together in Buenos Aires over the next two days to demonstrate against Walmart's anti-worker and anti-union stance. The Alliance will hold a public demonstration outside Walmart's main store in Buenos Aires at 3 pm local time today.
Alke Boessiger, head of UNI Commerce demanded Walmart change its behaviour. “Time and again, this giant global trader has failed in its responsibilities, leading the race to the bottom. The latest example of its anti-worker stance, is its failure to sign up the Bangladesh Safety Accord which now has more than 50 signatories from global brands who are committing to improving safety for workers in their supply-chains. Walmart is isolated, coming up with its own plan where it can act as judge and jury. This is not good enough. Walmart must change the way it does business globally, it is outmoded and unsustainable."
Descripcion: Alke Boessinger and Ruben Cortina introduce what's at stake for Walmart campaign to the Argentinean FAECYS-Walmart Network
La reunión de dos días se centrará en los logros de la Alianza UNI Walmart hasta el momento, el intercambio de información sobre las tácticas de negociación colectiva, la importancia de la cooperación en la cadena de proveedores global y la definición de lo que serán los próximos pasos a seguir para obtener resultados en esta campaña mundial. La Alianza llevará a cabo una protesta pública en la puerta del hipermercado de Walmart Constituyentes, donde más de 500 activistas se unirán a los miembros de la Alianza para exigir a Walmart que tome medidas firmes para que priorice los derechos laborales ante la codicia y los beneficios corporativos.
The two day meeting will focus on the UNI Alliance achievements so far, sharing information on collective bargaining tactics and the importance of global supply chain cooperation and defining what will be the next move to achieve results in this worldwide campaign. The Alliance will hold a public protest at the main Walmart store in the Argentinian capital, where hundreds of activists will join the alliance members, urging Walmart to take bold action to place labor rights as a priority before corporate benefits and greed.
Caption: Lisa Elderet, UNI Walmart Campaign Coordinator gives a brief summary of the achievements realized so far since October 2012 to the FAECYS-Walmart Network
“Argentina is hosting this key event to show its full support and solidarity with Walmart workers worldwide. As part of the UNI Global Alliance, FAECYS (Argentine Federation of Commerce and Services Workers) shall, along with UNI, continue to engage in this process calling for a meaningful dialogue with the Walmart management team at the global level. Their irresponsible, risky and abusive practices cannot go unpunished. We owe it to their workers worldwide all along the Walmart supply chain, including in Bangladesh.” said Armando Cavalieri, vice-President of UNI Global Union and the general secretary of FAECYS.
For more info contact:
Ruben Cortina, UNI Americas President and FAECYS Secretary of International Affairs, rcortina@faecys.org.ar +54 154-472-1211
Sadia Kaenzig, UNI Global Union, Sadia.Kaenzig@uniglobalunion.org +41793793718