According to information provided by the National Confederation of Security Guards (CNTV in Portuguese) in Brazil, on September 4, 2013 the multinational Prosegur mobilized managers, head of departments, attorneys and other trusted employees during business hours to go to the House of Representatives to put pressure on members of parliament in the Constitution, Justice and Citizen Commission (CCJ) for the adoption of Draft Law 4330/2004, which governs (for the worse) outsourcing in Brazil. According to CNTV, the bill presented by Congressman and businessman Sandro Mabel - with the support of Brazilian employers' organisations – is detrimental to security and other area workers, by allowing general outsourcing and putting an end to historical conquests of workers.
In the electronic bulletin of September 4, CNTV states that the mobilization of paid workers, subordinates and during working hours by a private security multinational under state concession is at least an illegal lobby situation against Brazilian state institutions and a crime against labour organisation. However, the confederation recalls that the response of free workers came by demonstrating the actual position against the approval of the bill through an assembly in the company’s facilities, and the suspension of cash in transit services for two hours, both at the end of the morning of April 4 in Brasilia.
Led by SINDVALORES / DF – Union of Workers of Cash in Transit of Distrito Federal, union affiliated to CNTV, the guards rejected the use of employees to push Congress in support of projects that are detrimental to their jobs and their rights. The matter was reported by the President of CNTV to leaders of UNI Global Union, CSA - Trade Union Confederation of the Americas - and representatives of several Brazilian Union Confederations who attended an International Seminar held in São Paulo that day.
See the bulletin in related files