European Trade Union Alliance of Société Générale Group
We, the trade unions in Société Générale, observe the ongoing process of social dumping within the corporation: the back office jobs are being further shifted to the East of Europe, where low wages create pressure on workers in the West of Europe; turnover of employees is increasing; digitalization of work means job loss. It is being accelerated by the use of IT software that replaces human work. This all is done in order to save costs and increase benefits for the corporation, on the shoulder of workers.
We, the trade unions in Société Générale, also observe that lack of social dialogue and respect for collective bargaining are the reality within our corporation all over Europe, most prominently in Poland and Romania. Trade union colleagues in Central and Eastern European countries meet obstacles set by the local managements when they want to meet the employees, for example to inform them of their rights set out in the Global Framework Agreement that Société Générale has signed with UNI in 2015.
We, the trade unions in Société Générale expect instead and a ready to engage in a dialogue with our management on how to use training and retraining of employees to save and create jobs. We believe, that through social dialogue, a civil way to manage digital transformation of the business could be established and that genuine social dialogue with all trade unions, but especially in Poland and Romania is in the best interest of our corporation.
As we stand together today, in trade union solidarity – supporting each other and acting together, we declare to defend workers’ rights and union liberties in Société Générale Group all over Europe and bring social dumping practices in the corporation to an end. The harm done to one of us is the harm done to all of us.
Joint statement, Prague, 11 April 2017.