La Bancaria decided to go to the streets and to support the bank workers who had been unfairly dismissed and to demand their immediately return to work.
“We were unfairly dismissed without cause, arbitrarily and without justification. That shows an apparent systematic and discriminatory method established by the Government in violation of fundamental rights and guarantees recognition in our Constitution and through International Laws”, said one of the workers.
The struggle for reinstatement were incorporated by La Bancaria at national level to face this arbitrary measure that was put in place by the government.
Unfortunately, it did not happen in the same way with the Trade Commission who is not properly acting in defense the rights of the workers.
La Bancaria highlights that all public workers, who have always fulfilled their obligations and have worked properly, are entitled to have an appropriated mechanism to address dismissal. All dismissals must be subject of a respective summary and broad right of defense, which clearly is not happening now.
Workers lost their jobs developing their regular and effective performance, particularly for taking part in measures to enforce the control by the Central Bank in all financial activities, to protect the society and to defend national interests, as well as to assist the courts with the necessary information on crimes that have been committed in the system, committed by organized crime in the past or present, with serious damage to the Finance Industry.
Those dismissals also could promote more financial speculation, facilitating the possibility of new crimes, scams, fraud, tax evasion and money laundering. Support these dismissals without just cause, without summary, it is to open the door to future arbitraries.