We are excited to announce International Justice Day for Cleaners and Security Guards for 2015. This year it will take place on Monday 15th June and actually marks the 25th anniversary of the event in Los Angeles where cleaners and their supporters demanding justice and respect were attacked by the police. Last year we delivered a strong global message about the need for respect for cleaners and security guards with a vibrant and successful day of protests and actions as well as the ‘yellow glove’ selfie on our Facebook page. This year promises to be the biggest International Justice Day event so far.
The theme is for this year’s event is ‘Working hours, Respect, Workload’. Unions will be commemorating the struggles and celebrating our solidarity by holding actions in high profile public places like airports, hospitals, transport hubs and financial districts. These are the places were cleaners and security guard working forlow wages, in more than one job or on 12 hour shifts often 7 days a week, these workers struggle to survive and to feed their families. In Africa they often work for hours on end with no shelter from the sun or rain and walk for 2 hours to work and then back. In India they work without any toilet or rest facilities. In Europe or the US they are often migrant workers, exploited and abused and too frightened to complain. In Latin America they are fired for forming unions or threatened with violence and worse. The result is poverty, exhaustion, illness, family break up and despair.
Monday June 15th is the day of Solidarity with these workers. Make June 15th the day we hear the voices of the cleaners and security guards.
We also have a Facebook Page for the campaign and its news. Join it. Like it. Share it.