Participative Approach Contributes to Revive Sri Lanka Post – Post Master General

Sri Lanka Post has chosen new path- a participative approach- to modernize its operations; we are counting on the support of all trade unions, and welcome suggestions from our employees to uplift the postal services to the community said Mr Rohana Abeyaratne Post Master General during a meeting with the Japan Postal Group Union Kanto Delegations visit to Sri Lanka on 27th February 2015.
PMG said, Sri Lanka Post have saved substantial amount of money from of revenue growth to the Government Treasury in 2012, and 2013 thanks to the cooperation and support from all employees in the Postal Department. A re-organization committee is formed; consisting both management and trade union representatives in Sri Lanka Post to welcome new ideas to improve the Postal Services in the island .
He also thanked UNI Apro Post for facilitating a meeting with India Post trade union officials during the SLP study tour to India in 2013. Mr Abeyaratne said, the exposure received overseas helped many to change attitudes and contribute positively to the new participatory approach. As a result Sri Lanka Post managed to win the Productivity award from Asian Productivity Institute.
Mr Takayuki Komuro President of JPGU Kanto, shared similar experiences from Japan, where the Japan Post management look forward to the suggestions from trade unions. And managed to introduce new services to increase revenue particularly from growing logistic services in Japan. Japanese delegation commended the long standing community service extended by the postal employees and complimented the service orientation of employees with happy faces observed during their visit to the Post Offices in Sri Lanka.
Sri Lanka Post PMG expressed confidence to fully modernize Postal services by 2020; and solicited cooperation and support to provide overseas exposure to employees from UNI Apro and Postal Unions from Developed countries such as Japan.
Seven member delegation from JPGU Kanto visited Sri Lanka to award scholarships to twelve students – children of postal employees in Sri Lanka. Japanese Postal unions have been extending the scholarship scheme in Sri Lanka since 2000. 7th Award ceremony was held on 25th February 2015, in Anuradhapura with the presence of Mr Peshala Jayaratne Chief Minister of North Central Province in Sri Lanka.