Eleven trade unions from the Czech Republic, France, Italy, Luxembourg, Norway and Romania and Société Générale European Works Council members agreed on building an alliance to bring together workers in all countries where Société Générale operates within Europe.
The participants believe that Société Générale – unions, workers' representatives and management could be the leaders in the finance industry in developing a framework for international industrial relations. This trade union alliance will help to deliver this goal.
Signing a global agreement will provide the framework that will help to improve working conditions for working people in multinational companies.
The capacity of international co-operation between trade unions under the umbrella of UNI Europa Finance is a necessity .
A global agreement is regarded by the alliance as a vehicle to develop transnational industrial relations in the company. The agreement enables unions to achieve better conditions for workers on matters that go beyond national and European labour jurisdictions.
The alliance aims to achieve decent work and social dialogue by implementing the following:
1 ) The trade union alliance and the EWC will cooperate closely together and in particular support each other in their roles;
2 ) As appropriate the alliance will coordinate activities across countries and organise joint activities and campaigns with the aim of avoiding social dumping;
3 ) It will work towards transparency of different national approaches and identify specific trade union tools to pursue workers’ interests;
4) It will work towards organizing a stronger presence in the countries where the Alliance is not present yet.
The European Alliance will soon join the Société Générale UNI Global Alliance in a meeting scheduled to take place in Marrakech on April 13th-14th 2015.
Bruxelles, 27th February 2015