Norwegian affiliates celebrate "giants of peace"

December 10th, on the dying day of the indistrualist Alfred Nobel (1833-1896), Nobel Prizes are awarded persons or organizations for achievements in Physics, Chemistry, Physiology or Medicine, Literature and Peace. Mr. Nobel decided that the Peace Price was to be awarded from Norway and the other prizes from Sweden.
This year, The Norwegian Nobel Committee has awarded the Peace Prize to Malala Yousafi and Kailash Satyarthi for their struggle against the suppression of children and young people and for the right of all children to education.
Mr. Satyarthi is a lighthouse of hope for children in India. His struggle and fight for children's right and possibility for education echoes all over the giant nation of India and the Asian continent. He speaks against cast and social status, he speaks for all children. He motivates us to see all children as our most important asset.
Malala, a young girl perceived as a threat to the Taliban, was nearly killed for raising her focused voice in talking and fighting for girl's and women's right to education. Malala is still a prime target for the Taliban. Born in 1997, she is the youngest Nobel Prize laureate ever. She has impressed us all with her grace, her intelligence, her political mind and her persistent focus on female education. She is an inspiration to girls all over the world. She motivates us as unions to work systematically to secure equal rights for all.
The people of Norway are very proud to celebrate giants of Peace. In 1993, together with all the world, we celebrated the Nobel Peace Price laureates Nelson Mandela and Fredrik Willem de Klerk for their work for the peaceful termination of the apartheid regime, and for laying the foundations for a new democratic South Africa.
The Norwegian UNI World Congress delegations proudly invites the congress to celebrate the Nobel Peace Prize laureates of 2014 with standing ovations. Malala and Satyarthi are giants of peace, giants to admire.