On June 13, Huhtamaki workers in Commerce, California presented management with a letter demanding that the company meet with them to address issues of excessive heat and unfair discipline, and that there be no retaliation.
Huhtamaki has responded with an intensive anti-union campaign.
On June 16, the company distributed a leaflet that told workers that USW dues were 2.5% of gross wages (which is false), that by signing a union authorization card you were signing away all your rights as an employee at the company to the union, and that if the you refused to pay union dues you would lose your job. Later that week, workers began receiving the same anti-union leaflet in the mail at their houses.
Also on June 16, in response to a USW leaflet that was distributed to the workers earlier that morning, Huhtamaki posted a notice informing workers that they were not allowed to discuss or distribute anything about any cause or organization during work time and in work areas. The company held at least 8 of these meetings in the past week.
On June 24, Huhtamaki distributed a notice to its workers (attached) that a labor consultant would be coming to talk to them about "saying No" to signing the union card. Workers are hearing rumors that these will be one-on-one meetings.
The workers at Commerce thank all the local unions at Huhtamaki in the U.S. and around the world that have taken action and presented letters to management supporting their fight. See their message here http://youtu.be/8OnRK5agjWU
We ask unions at Huhtamaki around the world to please continue to inform your members about what the company is doing to intimidate the workers in Commerce who have simply asked for fair treatment and better working conditions.