UNI condemns military junta in Burma
UNI Global Union has sent a letter of protest to the Permanent Mission of Myanmar (Burma) in Geneva after the recent events in the country.
In the letter, UNI said that they opposedd any violent repression of protests and called for the immediate release of the protesters who have been imprisoned and the democratic opposition leader from house arrest.
The full letter is reproduced below:
Nyon, 1 October 2007
Permanent Mission of Myanmar
47, Avenue Blanc
1202 Geneva
Email: mission.myanmar@ties.itu.int
Our Ref: CDM/sol/Burma/pj
Dear Sir/Madam
UNI condemns military junta in Burma
UNI Global Union represents over 20 million members in over 900 unions worldwide.
UNI Global Union is shocked at the recent events in Burma. Peaceful protests by Buddhist monks and nuns, have been attacked in recent days by the armed forces under the military junta.
Violent confrontations have taken place in several locations, notably around the famous Shwedagon Pagoda in Rangoon and in Mandalay and unknown number of demonstrators have been killed and hundreds arrested.
UNI Global Union hereby adds its voice to the peaceful protests by the Burmese people, which has had to live under a military regime intolerant of any dissent or opposition for more than four decades, in support of their legitimate and longstanding demands for more democracy in Burma.
We strongly oppose any violent repression of the protests, and call upon you to take all necessary steps to ensure the release of all demostraters who have been imprisoned and the democratic opposition leader.
We call for the the restoration of democracy and full respect for human rights without delay. UNI pledges to maintain our support for the people of Burma in their quest for these fundamental rights.
UNI will also urge all governments to impose a dimplomatic and economic blockade on Burma until democracy is restored.
I look forward to a positive response.
Yours sincerely,
Philip Jennings
General Secretary
UNI Global Union