UNI calls for union rights on World Day of Social Justice

UNI Global Union today marked the first World Day of Social Justice with a call for trade union organising and recognition rights in every country around the globe. “The social consequences of the financial crisis have made it clear that working people are feeling the savage consequences of turbo-charged capitalism,” said UNI General Secretary Philip Jennings.
“Toxic debt is poisoning labour markets everywhere and workers are suffering the social fallout in the form of unemployment, depressed wages and uncertainty about the future. It is time to put people first.”
UNI believes the International Labour Organisation must play a lead role in creating a new global social-justice economy with new values of solidarity and sharing the wealth.
World leaders and corporate titans must focus on creating jobs if they want to come out of the global economic crisis and ensure a solid future for the world economy, UNI said. But jobs are not enough and workers must be able to join or form unions and protect their right to fair salaries, working conditions and other social benefits.
UNI has a worldwide campaign supporting union organising and bargaining rights. One of the main targets of this campaign is the United States, where UNI is supporting the Employee Free Choice Act, which, when passed into law, will guarantee basic union rights to US workers and give them a fair chance to join unions without fear of punitive action from their employers.
UNI’s has also pursued a strategy of global agreements with multinational employers to ensure rights for its members all over the world.
“Our push for global agreements and for union rights worldwide are part and parcel of our strategy to give workers a voice in their company both locally and globally and to ensure that they can advocate on their own behalf for social justice,” Jennings said.
The World Day of Social Justice is being observed for the first time this year. According to the United Nations, the day is intended to contribute and unite worldwide efforts of the international community in poverty eradication, promotion of full employment and decent work, gender equity and access to social well-being and justice for all.
For more information go to: http://www.ilo.org/global/lang--en/index.htm