Inauguration Ceremony of UNI Women's Hostel in Aceh

![]() The Krueng Sabee Community Center had been constructed with the support of UNI Apro and SASK Finland. To date, numerous activities have been conducted in this community center. INGOs/ NGOs like Concern For Kid (CFK), OXFAM, UNHCR, ALO USA, ARNET have used this venue for their relief works, contributing to the general development of Krueng Sabee Community Centre. Other organizations like APHEDA (Australian People for Health, Education and Development Abroad), UNDP and Islamic Relief have also supported this community center by conducting vocational training for local people in Krueng Sabee. UNI Global Union in particular has also supported the development of business units such as the Car Washing Unit and Water Refill Unit which are aimed at helping the community center to generate income and thereby be financially independent. Today, the revenue generated from these micro business units have helped the community center to be adequately self sufficient. UNI Hostel for Acehnese Women A few years into the operating of the community centres in Aceh, it was observed by UNI Global Union that female students who were receiving training/ education in Krueng Sabee Community Center were making long distance travelling between their homes and the community centre, as much as 40 km each way, daily. This prompted UNI Global Union to look into the construction of an additional building, an all-female hostel, closer to the community centre catered for these young women. Housing priority is given to orphans and less advantaged women within the community. Upon the completion of this female hostel by UNI, sixty (60) young women can now participate more actively in the various trainings provided at the Krueng Sabee Community Center as well as in the school nearby. On March 16, 2009, the hostel was inaugurated by Bro. Mohamed Shafie BP Mammal, Vice President of UNI Apro and President of UNI MLC. Also present at the inauguration ceremony were Bro. Kun Wardana, Director of UNI Apro, Telecom and IBITS sectors, Bro. M. Rusdi, General Secretary of ASPEK Indonesia and other Trade Union Care Center (TUCC) staff. The inauguration of the women's hostel was also graced by the attendance of MUSPIKA, DANRAMIL (Military Rayon Commandant), KAPOLSEK (Chief of Sector Police), ULEMMAS, Community Leaders, Board of Community Center Lecturers, Partner Organizations and the Local Society. The Chairman of Community Centers, Mr.Yusuf expressed his heartfelt gratitude to UNI/UNI Apro for supporting the various projects in Aceh. He is confident that the four community centres in Aceh will continue to be fully utilized by the local community. He also thanked all the Solidarity Support Organisations (SSOs) for their continuous support and cooperation with the community centres. Finally, he attributed the success of the community centres in Aceh to the longstanding cooperation between the community and all the supporting organizations. |