The UNI Graphical & Packaging delegation of Steve Walsh HoD, Marvin Largaespada, UNI Americas, Jerry Alonso Mora Arias, organizer met with Kimberly Clark’s Regional Director of Human Resources, Rafael Ravettino and Martin Pando the HR manager for the plant at Belen.
The KC plant at Belem, Costa Rica employs over 250 workers and manufactures health care and personal care products for the Central American region.
UNI Graphical & Packaging have been working with local people in organizing this plant and there has been a great deal of interest in the union from many workers. While the global dialogue agreement stresses both parties are not to engage in bullying, intimidation or harassment in respect to workers either wishing to join or not join a union there have been a number of workers that have advised us of their reluctance to be the first people to join the union because of the fear of being targeted because of their interest in the union.
In an effort to overcome this fear the UNI delegation proposed to management that a meeting between the workers and the organizer be facilitated on site, the HR Director said that whilst he was not opposed and did not reject the request outright he said that they needed to consider the request and would respond at a later date. The HoD said that he would also raise this matter at the next global meeting with KC to be held later in August.
The company provided an overview of the site and said they worked with the Association of Kimberly Clark which was established by the company in accordance with the law. While there was no collective agreement in place the management said that though they were not obliged to pay more than the minimum standard they did in fact pay over that figure.
further details contact steve.walsh@uniglobalunion.org