The second European Equal Pay Day will take place on 2 March 2012, symbolising the fact that on average women have to work 62 days more to earn the men’s 2011 average annual pay (365 days X 17,1%= 62.41 days) according to the last available gender pay gap figures from Eurostat at the moment when the day was set for this year, representing a difference of 17,1%
The following activities are foreseen by the European Commission on 2/03/12:
The European Commission also has developed a new brochure ‘Tackling the gender pay gap in the European Union’, which explores the gender pay gap, its causes and the benefits of closing it. The brochure will be available shortly in 22 EU languages.
The campaign is also currently taking part in a series of national events in 17 EU Member States. Being present at these events helps the campaign to spread information on pay inequalities. These events will continue until March 2012.
For more information, visit http://ec.europa.eu/justice/newsroom/gender-equality/events/111125_en.htm
Should you need more information, do not hesitate to contact:
Source: ETUC (European Trade Union Confederation)
Claudia Menne – Cinzia Sechi – Barbara Boyle
Equality Team
Tel: +32 2 224 0428
Fax: +32 2 224 0776