Sunday April 14, 2012
Illegally sacked workers at the MMP plant in Liverpool (UK) attended a Chapel meeting held on Sunday to hear updates on the campaign that is being waged against the Company following the illegal lock out of workers and the closure of the plant without any proper consultation.
The lock-out first commenced on the 18th February and workers are rock solid in continuing the fight against the closure of the plant, this unilateral decision by the Austrian management is totally against the requirements of UK legislation to consult in a proper and meaningful way.
Members at the meeting heard reports from Unite’s solicitor on the legal steps that are being undertaken as well as hearing reports from National Officers on the continuing leverage campaign involving major clients of MMP such as Kelloggs and Unilever.
In addition protests were staged over the weekend at major sporting events at Liverpool (Grand national) and at Wembley (FA Cup semi-final)
The Hod of UNI Graphical & Packaging Steve Walsh also addressed the meeting and expressed the solidarity support of all affiliates of UNI. He also congratulated the Chapel on the commitment and dedication of members for continuing the struggle to achieve justice.
Simon Dubbins from the International Department of UNITE who is also the President of UNI Europa Graphical & Packaging provided further updates on planned activities over the coming weeks as part of the leverage campaign.
Messages of solidarity and support can be sent to Unite FOC at MMP Phil Potter - p-potter1@sky.com - or Phil Morgan, Regional Officer - Phil.Morgan@unitetheunion.org.