Young Engineers Solutions (YES) 2012
Young Engineers Solutions (YES) 2012
UNI Professionals and Managers group is inviting affiliates to get involved in supporting an innovative new event called Young Engineers' Solutions. YES 2012 is a three day multi-disciplinary event with workshops for young engineers in Copenhagen, Denmark.
The event is being jointly organised with the Young Professional Forum (YFF) and UNI's affiliate, the Danish Society of Engineers (IDA) and will be an opportunity for hundreds of engineering students and recent graduates, to be joined by invited international guests from other UNI affiliates, green business and social- and cultural entrepreneurs who are involved in creating sustainable urban innovations. Participants will be expected to participate in networking, developing ideas across professional boundaries and to be involved in solving tomorrow’s challenges today.
The summit will take place at the KPH Volume, Enghavevej 80, Vesterbrorun, Copenhagen from 4-5 October 2012 when participants will engage in workshops. On the evening of 5 October there will be as well as a prestigious young engineers' awards ceremony, in partnership with KPH and City of Copenhagen, which will celebrate green and cultural entrepreneurs of the city! All this will be followed by a special brunch and networking session on 6 October.
Over the course of the event participants will meet across educational backgrounds and nationalities to work together to solve 10 central challenges of future urban living which include:
· How do we get a better and more sustainable city?
· Should we grow food on roofs?
· Local smart grid – how to implement solutions in new neighborhoods
· Planning for car sharing
· Combining buses and bicycles
· Solar cells – 20 smart ways of installing solar cells in Copenhagen
· Burn or recycle – a Copenhagen solution for plastic?
· Can kindergarten kids produce their own energy?
The challenges will be posed by organizations, municipalities and local communities which include people who all face real problems in developing, living and working within a sustainable city. Challenges have so far been set by the Municipality of Copenhagen; Movia (Copenhagen Buses); Danish Car sharing organization; Amager Forbrænding (waste incineration plant); University of Aalborg, and Roskilde Festival.
To register for the event and for updates on the programme please email: or you can visit the dedicated YES website: and in early September there will also be a presentation of the final challenges from which you can choose one to go in depth with.
See you in Copenhagen!