The 4th UNI Europa Women´s Conference, Women Power = UNI Power, has elected its President and Vice Presidents among its members, who shall hold office until the next Conference in 2016.
They are Mette Kindberg,HK, Denmark as President and the Vice Presidents: Daniela Rondinelli FISASCAT-CISL , Italy; Sofia Kanta, OTOE, Greece; Arlette Puraye, CNE, Belgium and Ute Brutzki ver.di, Germany.
The UNI-Europa Committee chose the members to serve on the UNI World Women's Committee in its European representation. In total, 166 positions, to be occupied by women, were elected during the Conference by the Committee.
The Regional Secretary, Oliver Röethig made the opening remarks. He referred to the clear change in the unions’ coordination, many of them led by women such as in the ITUC, the ETUC and TUC. In accordance with the theme of the Conference, Oliver stated that the power of women today is the power of UNI Europa and Union power.
Around 140 women trade unionists from 54 unions coming from 20 European countries participated in the meeting.
The discussions on the subjects of the "Financial Crisis and the Impact on Women" and "Pensions and Women´s Poverty in Old Age" were intense and involved. The "Arab Spring" subject and the work carried out with the Women's Network of Tunisia, as well as, the mentoring project, which will be developed in the upcoming years were embraced enthusiastically by the participants.
The conference created a Conclusion Report that will be worked on, over the next four years.
You can watch the video here: