Graphical & Packaging

Graphical and Packaging Multinationals

Over the last decades the Graphical & Packaging sector has experienced unprecedented levels of change. The globalisation, regionalisation and digital revolution continues to shape the industry deeply.

At the same time the production of packaging continues to grow and it is predicted that global growth rates of around 4% per annum will continue into the foreseeable future.

The industry has also has been seeing an unprecedented number of mergers and acquisitions concentrating ownership in huge global and regional multinational enterprises which in turn creates national markets dominated by these enterprises.

As a result of these developments and neo-liberal globalisation, the pressure on the trade union rights and freedom has been increasing and accordingly the living and working standards of workers has been deteriorating.

This process imposes unprecedented challenges and offers opportunities to develop global strategies and to empower local and national unions.  


The strategy adopted by 4th Global Conference of UNI Graphical & Packaging in Istanbul on 8-9 June 2015 is based on:

  • Organising within Global Companies
  • Holding Corporations accountable
  • Support for organising campaigns and capacity development
  • Creating a dynamic and aligned union structure.


Therefore organising is at the top of the agenda for UNI Graphical & Packaging:

  • we build networks and alliances,
  • we launch global campaigns to ensure union rights and sign global agreements,
  • together with UNI SCORE we give practical support to our affiliated unions and empower them to start organising campaigns specifically in MNCs, sign collective agreements.

For details please visit the following link:2015-2019 UNI Graphical Packaging Action Plan