Good sports governance requires accountability to the players
Brendan Schwab, Head of UNI World Athletes, addresses the prestigious Play the Game conference in Aarhus, Denmark.
Victory in Colombia: SINTRAVALORES signs agreement with Prosegur
Workers in Colombia scored an important victory today after an agreement was reached between SINTRAVALORES and Spanish security multinational Prosegur after almost seven years of serious conflict.<
Defending democracy in Brazil and in the region: Declaration of the Regional Council of Global Unions and TUCA
The Regional Council of Global Unions and TUCA express their deep concern at recent events that threaten democracy in Brazil.
Négociations des Nations Unies à Bonn: l’accord sur le climat doit se faire avec les travailleurs, et non pas sans eux!
Bonn, le 23 Octobre 2015 – la dernière semaine de négociation avant la COP21 à Paris s’est achevée sur un débat houleux entre les pays riches et les pays pauvres, et un affaiblissement du texte pou
UNFCCC talks in Bonn: the climate deal needs to be done with workers not without them
Bonn, 23 October 2015 – the last week of negotiations before COP21 in Paris has seen a heated debate between rich and poor countries and the weakening of the text for workers.
FIFPro issues vital criteria for new FIFA President
The world players' union has issued a set of criteria that it believes will have a positive effect on filtering candidates for the FIFA presidential elections.
UNI Global Union reaction to the TPPA secret deal: time to mobilize public opinion and influence legislators
For immediate release: 6 October 2015.
Serias inquietudes con respecto a la conducta de Prosegur expresadas en una reunión sindical en Madrid
Sindicatos en Prosegur de América Latina comparten pruebas de la brutalidad de la empresa contra los trabajadores sindicalizados.
Serious concerns over Prosegur conduct raised at union meeting in Madrid
Prosegur unions from Latin America share evidence of company's brutality against unionised workers.
Brendan Schwab appointed new Head of UNI World Athletes
UNI is pleased to announce the appointment of FIFPro Vice President Brendan Schwab as the new Head of UNI World Athletes.