UNI Europa

Social Dialogue

European Social Dialogue - Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities
European Trade Union Confederation

Equal pay is a key demand of UNI Europa - EqualPay.Nu

This website is the fruit of three EU projects in ten countries that has developed aids for companies and organisations wishing to work towards equal pay. In English, German, Italian, Spanish and Skandinavian

The European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions is an autonomous body of the European Union.

Its task is to respond to the needs of the key actors at EU level with findings, knowledge and advice from its research. The Foundation monitors, identifies and analyses the impact of changes in society in order to support action.

The results of the Foundation’s research are available from their website. Here you will be able to access a number of databases, including EIRO (the European Industrial Relations Observatory, ) and a collection of European Works Councils agreements concluded under Article 6 and Article 13. This database contains information on the provisions of agreements establishing the European Works Councils (EWCs) together with fulltext agreements, in up to 5 languages.

The European Agency for Safety and Health at Work website can be visited in 22 languages.

There are some very interesting publications on work related stress, for example, and some excellent factsheets on bullying at work, violence at work, an inventory of socio-economic costs of work accidents, etc.

Database of European (EU) and national cross industry employers and employees organizations

The Institut des Sciences du Travail, department of the Université Catholique de Louvain, Belgium, has developed a database of European (EU) and national cross industry employers and employees organizations. The database is made of the findings of an EU Commission-funded research project carried out in 1998, and focusing on institutional representativeness on social partners organization in Europe:

It gives not only a comprehensive picture of central organizations throughout Europe, but also provide details of European affiliations of these national organizations.

This database is organized by individual cards and proposes a search engine to identify the organizations by country / by type (employers or employees) or by name.

Note: While national details are only available in French, the individual cards relating to European organizations are also available in English. It is also possible to access to the organizations details via a table of contents: http://www.trav.ucl.ac.be/dbq1/Table.asp

Fight against racism and xenophobia
Service Directive
Services of General Interest & Economic Interest