Por favor, firmen la petición solicitando la liberación de líderes sindicales bangladeshíes
UNI Global Union ha lanzado una campaña en línea, junto con IndustriALL Global Union, instando al gobierno de Bangladesh a que libere de manera inmediata e incondicional a los dirigentes de sindicatos del sector de la confección detenidos en las últimas semanas.
Underteckna petitionen som kräver att bangladeshiska fackföreningsledare ska befrias
UNI Global Union och IndustriALL har startat en online kampanj som kräver att regeringen i Bangladesh omgående och ovillkorligt befriar fackliga ledare som häktats under de senaste veckorna.
Veuillez signer la pétition demandant la libération de dirigeants syndicaux bangladais
UNI Global Union et IndustriALL Global Union ont lancé une campagne en ligne appelant le gouvernement du Bangladesh à libérer immédiatement et inconditionnellement les dirigeants syndicaux du secte
Join campaign to have arrested Bangladeshi garment union leaders freed
IndustriALL Global Union and UNI Global Union are launching an online campaign calling on the government of Bangladesh to immediately and unconditionally release garment trade union leaders detained in recent weeks. Please sign up!
Facing up to the Trump delusion in a world of rising inequality
Speaking on the eve of the World Economic Forum Annual meeting in Davos, UNI Global Union General Secretary Philip Jennings said the great betrayal of working people haunts Davos this year: obscene rising inequality
Red card for services passport?
Will an “EU Services Card” (previously known as ‘Services Passport’) be included in an ‘Internal Market Package’, due to be unveiled by the European Commission next week?
An AAA-rated society for workers’ rights
This European Commission promised progress on social issues, but so far none has materialised.
Korea – One million candlelight vigil calling for democracy
More than one million Koreans took part in a candlelight vigil calling for President Park to stand down and return the country to democracy.
Digital Footprint study results from Germany confirm once more that working in the gig economy has become a new reality for many
Research by the University of Hertfordshire and Ipsos MORI, in association with the Foundation for European Progressive Studies (FEPS), UNI Europa, ver.di, and IG Metall has revealed the true size
EuroCommerce and UNI Europa address physical and psychological risks at work
EuroCommerce and UNI Europa, the recognised social partners for the retail and wholesale sector at EU level, agreed the findings of a comprehensive project at a high-level event in Brussels today.