Bolsonaro's administration continues to attack postal workers

Floriano Peixoto, President of Empresa Brasileira de Correios e Telégrafos (Brazilian Post and Telegraph Company) has now imposed this abusive monthly payment on the health plan which will result in thousands of workers and their families being left out of the plan. The objective of these actions is to put an end to workers' rights, and consequently privatize the Brazilian Post and Telegraph Company.
These actions do not respect the decisions made by the Superior Labour Court (TST in Portuguese) and the political influence of the government has been used to provide false information to the Federal Supreme Court Ministers (STF in Portuguese) referring to the insolvency of the Health Plan.
The postal service has proven to be a national integration service, especially given the size of the Brazilian territory. Only the postal service reaches the most remote places in the country to provide help and solutions to the people.
“At UNI Americas we believe that the decision to privatize the postal service in Brazil is wrong. From an economic point of view because the company makes a profit for the country, and from a social point of view because the Post Office is not just a letter delivery service, it is much more than that, it is one of the few companies that reaches all regions of Brazil, moving resources and the local economy. Following is a recent example of this: during the natural disasters that occurred in the region of Minas Gerais in Bello Horizonte, the first to provide assistance to the people was the Brazilian Post, by delivering medicine, food, and aiding those affected. Thus, a Brazilian national heritage is being privatized, ”said Marcio Monzane, Regional Secretary of UNI Americas.
UNI Global Union and all its affiliates around the world are expressing their solidarity with all the workers of Correios do Brasil, especially with our FENTECT brothers and sisters, who are assuming the defence of the company, the rights of the workers, the military dislocation at the post office, and against the privatization of the Brazilian Postal Services.