The global community of media and entertainment unions affiliated to UNI Global Union joins their colleagues of the public service media in the Czech Republic in condemning the remarks made by the President of the Czech Republic, Milos Zeman and calls on the Czech government to respect the independence of public service media organisations.
President Zeman accused the Czech public service broadcaster, Czech Television of manipulation of news and biased coverage of political parties during his post-election speech in March. During other statement Czech president depicted the way how to change management of the Czech TV and to substitute it by the “obedient” one.
In a statement released to Czech government, parliament and senat, UNI MEI Global Union and all its affiliates express their solidarity with colleagues and their unions of public service media in the Czech Republic and urge Czech authorities to refrain from any action, which would harm freedom of speech, the independence of the media and the fulfilment of the public service mission of the public media organisations. The statement underlines that quality and independent information of citizen is the basis of our democratic societies and independent public service media is a pillar for guaranteeing the quality and independence of information. Public service media is the ownership of citizens not governments or political parties.
UNI MEI calls on authorities to respect and cherish the values of public service media and guarantee the fundamental rights of citizens.
Download full statement here: