Federal Police forbade Prosegur from using polyurethane crack injectors in Brazil

As a reply to one of the requests of the National Confederation of Security Guards (CNTV) and the Union of Armored Cars’ Security Guards of Rio Grande del Norte (Sindforte-RN), the Federal Police (PF) forbade Prosegur from using polyurethane crack injectors in company facilities. In the document, union organizations denounced the company for many reasons, they condemned the use of the product in the vaults, a practice that puts the workers’ lives at risk .
According to the Federal Police, “the possible use of the product in areas frequented by security staff (e.g. safes, or vaults in the operational facilities) was not just forbidden by decree № 33.731/2016, but also lacks consent from the Federal Police since there were no technical studies that indicate its efficacy and safety. In other words: the cash-in-transit companies are not authorized to install polyurethane injectors in their operational facilities.”
The Delesp should now investigate the installation of the product in the company's facilities, since its use was only authorized for the vaults of armored cars.
Additionally, the president of the CNTV, José Boaventura, said that the organization will continue the struggle for the prohibition to be extended to armored cars as well. “We have reports about accidental activation of the product in the armored cars and in the facilities. In one of these incidents, the vault was opened almost one month after the activation. We cannot allow workers to be at risk when performing their activities.” he stated.
According to the president of Sindoforte-RN, Márcio Figueredo, this also happened in one of the units of Prosegur in Mossoró. “There was an involuntary activation and the workers had to break down the access doors. They were at risk because of this product”, he said. “Our union and the CNTV are demanding the total removal of the system as well as an inspection from the Federal Police. We are monitoring the entire process and we insist on the removal of the product from all the facilities in the country, not just in Rio Grande del Norte”, he concluded.