Call to Tender: UNI Europa Outsourcing Project External Expertise
UNI Europa is currently calling for external expertise to undertake a mapping exercise of outsourcing in the ICT sector as part of its European Commission funded project, 'Understanding the impact of outsourcing in the ICT sector to strengthen the capacity of workers' organisations to address labour market changes and to improve social dialogue.'
The aim of the project is to carry out a mapping of the process of outsourcing that provides UNI Europa and its affiliate organisations in order to foster a better understanding of the outsourcing processes. This mapping exercise will help unions to better address labour market changes in general and, in particular, to better anticipate future skills needs, problems related to the quality of work and the mobility of workers, and importantly the implications this has for collective bargaining.
Please see details of the call to tender in the attached document, however the main tasks of the researcher will be to undertake the mapping in two phases. Firstly, a desktop research phase to collect information about outsourcing policies of ICT companies and on general labour market information (salary levels, working conditions, existing collective agreements in outsourcing companies etc.) to be fed into an interim project report to be presented to the project's steering group. In a second phase, the researcher will conduct interviews in selected companies with representatives of employers and employees in order to complement the research results and to identify best practices to deal with the impacts of outsourcing.
The call to tender asks for a Project manager/senior researcher and a Consultant/junior researcher to undertake this piece of work.
Research proposals should be submitted to UNI Europa, by post and email, by 9am on Monday 23rd November. Any queries and the application should be sent to UNI Europa Policy Officer Natalie Swan at citing the project reference number VS/2015/0223 in the subject heading.