International Seminar on Public Banks comes to a close.

The second International Seminar on Public Banks held in Lima on the 13th and 14th of July, closed with a clear message of support to Public Banks and against the privatisation process under way in Peru. The event was attended by 13 union organisations, 57 delegates and 7 Latin American countries.
The seminar discussions focused on the situation of public banks in the region, and how neoliberal governments are attacking them. The situation was analysed by a panel with the participation of Antonio Mezmezian, Director of Nación Reaseguros Argentina, and the representative of the Socialist Party of Peru, Mr. Manuel Enrique Aguirre.
Mezmezian and Aguirre reviewed the situation of public banks and the scenario in Peru. State companies in this country are under attack by the government with a view to widespread privatisation and outsourcing. "This is one of the most perverse moments in our history. This is the most neoliberal government in the last 40 years," said Aguirre referring to the current situation in Peru.
A motion against the attempt to privatise the Banco de la Nación de Perú (National Bank of Peru) was passed at the seminar. Also approved was a document with action plans, such as creating a database with key information on public banks and holding an International Day of Struggle to Defend Public Banks and their role in promoting social and economic development.
The document states: "The Latin American Alliance to Defend Public Banks takes on the transversal and supportive defence of all workers, emphasizes the virtues of Public Banks, and safeguards social interest, promotion and development of public banks to benefit all the population".
Another important point of the document underlines the commitment to workers: "The Alliance, UNI and the unions here today reaffirm their commitment to the rights of workers, and reject any agreement that may affect working conditions, labour rights, and citizen sovereignty of peoples of all countries. "
André Rodrigues, Regional Director of UNI Americas Finance, sent a message to all the workers and the people of Peru. He expressed UNI's position regarding outsourcing and privatising the Banco de la Nación in Peru: "A public bank has a role, a strategic role for growth and social development which is very important for the progress of all people".
"The experiences of other countries that have privatised and outsourced services are the worst we have seen. Where privatisation has taken place it has led to unemployment, loss of rights and massive layoffs, "he said.