e-LITes, the organisation for Philippines call centre and BPO workers
A new organisation for call centre workers has been set up in the Philippines, a place now with many thousands of call centre workers in call centres dealing with outsourced work. e-LITeS has been established with the help of UNI Youth in the Philippines and is aimed at getting a collective voice for call centre workers. One way they have been contacting workers was by holding their recent "Graveyard Shift" This is shifting towards Awareness and Involvement. Graveyard Shift of course has different meanings for the different people who belong to the CC/BPO Industry. e-LITeS want to encourage everyone to make a shift to progressive change, to be socially aware, and to be involved.
For more about the first "Graveyard Shift event go to this web page; http://www.uniglobalunion.org/UNIInDep.nsf/0/251008_EN_37
What is e-LITeS?
e-LITeS means Employees’ League in Information and Communications Technology (ICT)-enabled Services. It is a National Association of Employees in the Contact Center / Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) Industry that saw the need for people in the CC/BPO Industry to be organized and be involved in different issues concerning their working conditions and the quality of their life as a whole.
Our Mission:
The Employees’ League in ICT-enables Services’ (e-LITeS’) mission is to create an employee-friendly environment and community that will enable them to advance their current working conditions and quality of life.
Our Vision:
The Employees’ League in ICT-enables Services’ (e-LITeS’) vision is to build a dynamic national association of employees in the Contact Center/ Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) Industry in the Philippines that will serve as a venue for the employees’ growth and holistic development.
Our Objectives:
§ To realize progress in the sharing of knowledge and skills for each and everyone’s advancement and to provide different venues of practice and interaction for each individual’s holistic development towards nation building. Empowerment comes with willingness and involvement that’s why e-LITeS will conduct different activities and will then offer different services that will complement its members’ lifestyle. e-LITeS will focus on empowering employees by encouraging everyone to share their own talents and skills be it in visual arts, music, public speaking, dance, sports, etc.
§ To promote Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) awareness since CC/BPO employees are more prone to different work-related health issues like physical stress, decline in the immune system, musculoskeletal disorders, and fatigue, as well as work-related safety concerns like violence, sexual harassments, mobbing, etc.
§ To involve employees and their companies in making progressive changes in support of the global movement to practice Corporate Social Responsibility. It is but fitting for employees to influence their companies in upholding the interest of the people. The partnerships of the companies and its employees will pave the way in ensuring that people are treated with respect, communities flourish, and the environment is protected.
§ To facilitate involvement of employees in processes that involve their job and their career development, that will in effect will advance their life quality and well-being. Even though most people say that the CC/BPO industry is not stable, we will make it happen – a strong and stable industry that gives strong and stable jobs